大多數的科學軟體使用英文設定參數及使用說明,本書以Matlab Simulink 這一套簡單的圖型軟體,說明如何以英文設定參數,最後並鼓勵讀者自行閱讀使用說明,進行程式設計,並練習科技英文閱讀。本書以大量的圖例說明協助英文閱讀,適合一般大學及技職院校之科技英文、專題製作、影像處理實習、及圖型軟體等課程之教科書及參考書及使用。
- Chapter0 Introduction 導論(第0-1頁)
- 0-1 Building the MatLab Simulink Model(第0-2頁)
- 0-2 Creation of MatLab M-File(第0-20頁)
- 0-3 Where Can We Find the Default Images in the Examples of Video and Image Blockset?(第0-36頁)
- Chapter1 Import and View the AVI Files 輸入與觀看AVI檔案(第1-1頁)
- 1-1 Import and View the AVI Files(第1-2頁)
- 1-2 Export the AVI Files(第1-4頁)
- 1-3 Import and View RGB Signals in AVI File(第1-6頁)
- 1-4 Export Multimedia Files(第1-9頁)
- Chapter2 Conversions 轉換(第2-1頁)
- 2-1 Converting Between Intensity and BinaryImages Using Relational Operators(第2-2頁)
- 2-2 Converting Between Intensity and BinaryImages Using the Auto-threshold Block(第2-6頁)
- 2-3 Converting Color Information from R'G'B' intoGray Level(第2-11頁)
- 2-4 Chroma Resampling(第2-15頁)
- Chapter3 Geometric Transformation 幾何轉換(第3-1頁)
- 3-1 Rotation of Image(第3-2頁)
- 3-2 Resizing an Image(第3-5頁)
- 3-3 Cropping the Image(第3-8頁)
- Chapter4 Morphological Operations 形態學上的操作(第4-1頁)
- 4-1 Object Count in an Image(第4-2頁)
- 4-2 Correct the Non-uniform Illumination(第4-6頁)
- Chapter5 Feature Extraction 特徵提取(第5-1頁)
- 5-1 Edge Detection(第5-2頁)
- 5-2 Line Detection(第5-6頁)
- Chapter6 Image Analysis and Enhancement 圖像分析和強化(第6-1頁)
- 6-1 Image Sharpening(第6-2頁)
- 6-2 Cancellation of Salt and Pepper Noise(第6-6頁)
- 6-3 Cancellation of Pseudo Image in Video Signal(第6-10頁)
- Chapter7 Pixel Statistics 像素統計(第7-1頁)
- 7-1 Image Histogram Computation(第7-2頁)
- Chapter8 Pattern Matching 圖樣比對(第8-1頁)
- 8-1 Tracking Object Using Correlation Computation(第8-2頁)
- Chapter9 Image Compression 圖像壓縮(第9-1頁)
- 9-1 Image Compression(第9-2頁)
- Chapter10 Modulation Technology 調變的技術(第10-1頁)
- 10-1 Amplitude / Frequency / Phase Modulation(第10-2頁)
- 10-2 Amplitude/Frequency/Phase Modulation andDemodulation with Additive White GaussianNoise (AM/FM/PM with AWGN)(第10-5頁)
- 10-3 Comparison of AM and FM Spectrums(第10-9頁)
- 10-4 Double-Sidedband AM and Double-SidedbandSuppressed-Carrier AM (DSB AM & DSBSCAM)(第10-14頁)
- Appendix A Solution 問題解答(第A-1頁)
- 1-1 Import and View the AVI Files(Solution)【1-1 輸入並觀看AVI 檔案(問題解答)】(第A-2頁)
- 1-2 Export the AVI Files (Solution)【1-2 輸出AVI 檔案(問題解答)】(第A-3頁)
- 1-3 Import and View RGB Signals in AVI File(Solution)【1-3 輸入並觀看AVI 檔案的RGB訊號(問題解答)】(第A-6頁)
- 1-4 Export Multimedia Files (Solution)【1-4 輸出到多媒體檔案(問題解答)】(第A-10頁)
- 2-1 Converting Between Intensity and BinaryImages Using Relational Operators (Solution)【2-1 使用關係運算子來轉換灰階與二元值影像(問題解答)】(第A-12頁)
- 2-2 Converting Between Intensity and BinaryImages Using the Auto-threshold Block(Solution)【2-2 使用自動臨界值法轉換灰階與二元值影像(問題解答)】(第A-17頁)
- 2-3 Converting Color Information from R'G'B' intoGray Level (Solution)【2-3 將彩色訊號轉為灰階(問題解答)】(第A-19頁)
- 2-4 Chroma Resampling (Solution)【2-4 色度重新取樣(問題解答)】(第A-21頁)
- 3-1 Rotation of Image (Solution)【3-1 影像旋轉(問題解答)】(第A-23頁)
- 3-2 Resizing the Image (Solution)【3-2 重新調整影像大小(問題解答)】(第A-28頁)
- 3-3 Cropping the Image (Solution)【3-3 剪輯影像(問題解答)】(第A-32頁)
- 4-1 Object Count in an Image (Solution)【4-1 在影像中計數物件個數(問題解答)】(第A-37頁)
- 4-2 Correct the Non-uniform Illumination (Solution)【4-2 修正非均勻照度(問題解答)】(第A-39頁)
- 5-1 Edge Detection (Solution)【5-1 偵測圖像的邊緣(問題解答)】(第A-45頁)
- 5-2 Line Detection(Solution)【5-2 偵測影像中的線(問題討論)】(第A-47頁)
- 6-1 Image Sharpening (Solution)【6-1 影像銳化(問題解答)】(第A-49頁)
- 6-2 Cancellation of Salt and Pepper Noise(Solution)【6-2 從影像中移除黑白點雜訊(問題解答)】(第A-51頁)
- 6-3 Cancellation of Pseudo Image in Video Signal(Solution)【6-3 移除影片中的虛擬影像(問題解答)】(第A-53頁)
- 7-1 Image Histogram Computation (Solution)【7-1 計算影像的直方圖(問題解答)】(第A-55頁)
- 8-1 Tracking Object Using Correlation Computation(Solution)【8-1 使用相關運算追蹤目標(問題解答)】(第A-57頁)
- 9-1 Image Compression (Solution)【9-1 影像壓縮(問題解答)】(第A-59頁)
- 10-1 Amplitude / Frequency / Phase Modulation(Solution)【10-1 振幅/頻率/相位調變(問題解答)】(第A-63頁)
- 10-2 Amplitude/Frequency/Phase Modulation andDemodulation with Additive White GaussianNoise (AM/FM/PM with AWGN) (Solution)【10-2 加入式白高斯雜訊混入通道中的振幅/頻率/相位調變與解調(問題解答)】(第A-64頁)
- 10-3 Comparison of AM and FM Spectrums(Solution)【10-3 AM 與FM 的頻譜之比較(問題解答)】(第A-67頁)
- 10-4 Double-Sidedband AM and Double-SidedbandSuppressed-Carrier AM (DSB AM & DSBSCAM)(Solution)【10-4 雙旁帶振幅調變與雙旁帶抑制載波振幅調變(問題解答)】(第A-80頁)
- Appendix B Vocabulary 字彙(第B-1頁)
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