Taiwan industrial outlook. 2013
- 點閱:6
- 作者: ITIS Program office Department of industrial Technology Ministry of Economic Affairs
- 出版社:經濟部技術處ITIS專案辦公室
- 出版年:2013
- 集叢名:Industry & Technology Intelligence Services:ITISPO-102-T402
- ISBN:9789860365696
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 附註:委託單位: ITIS Program Office 執行單位: Department of Industry Technology Ministry of Economic Affairs
Competition is Fierce, 2013 Taiwanese Industry Expects Transition
Global economy, surviving from the impact of the previous financial crisis, is now presenting a slow-to-moderate growth rate in 2013. Taiwan is now facing the pressure from regional economy expansion, new threats from Asia’s newly developing countries and competition from Japan/Korea with their strong industrial vertically integrated power. Moreover, there is a trend for those major western multinational companies to move their overseas manufacturing and technical services back to their mother lands, creating a new face of the global supply chain. More severe industrial competition is being expected. As such, Taiwan needs to aggressively proceed with its own industry structural transformation concentrating on the industries, investment, human resources and industrial efficiency. One of the government efforts could be made to continue building the industrial intelligent information service system through the mechanism of its strategic policy, which can facilitate the process of transformation and upgrading to create a more competitive advantage position for Taiwanese industry.
ITIS Program Provides Industry Intelligence, Together to Improve Economic
Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) under Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs has been using its sponsored Industry & Technology Intelligence Services (ITIS) Program to integrate the island’s research resources from the most major non-profit professional institutes of “think-tanks” to conduct a series of industrial research focusing on the technology & market studies, new business opportunity explorations and governmental policy. Facing the rising emerging markets, the research directions of ITIS Program should not only cover the needs of Taiwanese industries, but also enhance the research on the emerging regions such as China and India, even extended to the countries of South East Asia. Applying the intelligent service function through the diversified media channels such as internet, publications and conferences can quickly share the knowledge and provide the industries with the needed information. Only helping the industries to stay in the right track of the industrial trends can make Taiwan’s competitive position ready for the next wave of economic cycle.
From the Past to the Future, Master The Key Points to Victory
To the year of 2013, ITIS Program is publishing “2013 Taiwan Industrial Outlook”. This publication does not only cover the industrial data/major events of year 2012 and the analysis on the future trends/business strategies, but also include the special overall discussion analyzing the domestic/global economics and major industrial issues. The book has 17 chapters in which each chapter has its own targeted industry addressing its current status, the industrial technology/market outlook, and major events. On the top of 17 basic industries, the special observatory research reports on the six emerging industries, namely LED Lighting, Photovoltaic, Wind Power, Electric Vehicle, Green Building and Cloud Computing, are also added. This book is very helpful to learn Taiwan’s current industrial development and its international competitiveness as well as Taiwan’s global market position.
- Macroeconomic Overview(第vi頁)
- Chapter 1 Outlook of Global Economies(第1頁)
- Chapter 2 Outlook of Taiwan’s Economy(第11頁)
- Chapter 3 Major Developmental Issues of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sector(第23頁)
- Industry Insights(第vii頁)
- Chapter 1 IC Industry(第35頁)
- Chapter 2 Electronic Components Industry(第51頁)
- Chapter 3 Flat Panel Display Industry(第71頁)
- Chapter 4 Electronic Materials Industry(第85頁)
- Chapter 5 Telecommunications Industry(第97頁)
- Chapter 6 IT Industry(第109頁)
- Chapter 7 Machinery Industry(第135頁)
- Chapter 8 Automotive Industry(第145頁)
- Chapter 9 Steel Industry(第163頁)
- Chapter 10 Non-Ferrous Metals Industry(第175頁)
- Chapter 11 Petrochemical Industry(第193頁)
- Chapter 12 Specialty Chemicals Industry(第215頁)
- Chapter 13 Textile Industry(第227頁)
- Chapter 14 Biotechnology Industry(第239頁)
- Chapter 15 Pharmaceutical Industry(第251頁)
- Chapter 16 Medical Device Industry(第263頁)
- Chapter 17 Food Industry(第277頁)
- Emerging Industry Insights(第ix頁)
- Chapter 1 LED Lighting Industry(第291頁)
- Chapter 2 Photovoltaic Industry(第305頁)
- Chapter 3 Wind Power Industry(第319頁)
- Chapter 4 Electric Vehicle Industry(第331頁)
- Chapter 5 Green Building Industry(第349頁)
- Chapter 6 Cloud Computing Industry(第365頁)
- Index of Tables(第381頁)
- Index of Figures(第385頁)
- ITIS Program Outline(第389頁)
- The Organization of IT IS(第391頁)