  • I Like Hong Kong:Art and Deterritorialization
  • 點閱:1
  • 作者: VIGNERON, Frank著
  • 出版社:中文大學出版社
  • 出版年:2010
  • ISBN:9789629964313
  • EISBN:9789629964313 EPUB
  • 格式:JPG
  • 頁數:378

Contemporary Chinese art is nowadays a subject area widely taught and researched in academic and non-academic publications, but it has not yet been studied by 'localizing' the research in specific cultural areas within the Chinese world. Selecting Hong Kong for a first such study was an obvious choice, since Hong Kong culture has had for already quite a long time very specific features which have put it apart from the generally accepted definition of Chinese national culture. Although it is not a survey of 'Hong Kong art,' as such a study would demand many more books, the works of about eighty artists working in Hong Kong (and sometimes outside) have been analyzed and contextualized in these pages.


Frank Vigneron is an Associate Professor in the Department of Fine Arts of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the history of Chinese painting from the 18th century onwards as well as on different aspects of contemporary Chinese art as seen in a global context.

  • Acknowledgments(第VII頁)
  • Preface(第IX頁)
  • Illustrations(第XVII頁)
  • Chapter 1: Localized Diaspora(第1頁)
  • Chapter 2: Body without Organs(第29頁)
  • Chapter 3: Infra-national Culture(第55頁)
  • Chapter 4: Deterritorializing Concepts(第83頁)
  • Chapter 5: Hybridization(第133頁)
  • Chapter 6: Connecting Nodes(第173頁)
  • Chapter 7: Pearl River Delta(第229頁)
  • Coda: Plasticians Are Idiots(第269頁)
  • Notes(第273頁)
  • Bibliography(第301頁)
  • Index(第309頁)
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