Ethics Unbound:Chinese and Western Perspectives on Morality
- 點閱:2
- 作者: Katrin Froese著
- 出版社:The Chinese University Press
- 出版年:2013
- ISBN:9789629964962
- EISBN:9789629964962 EPUB
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:268
This book closely examines texts from Chinese and Western traditions that hold up ethics as the inviolable ground of human existence, as well as those that regard ethics with suspicion. The negative notion of morality contends that because ethics cannot be divorced from questions of belonging and identity, there is a danger that it can be nudged into the domain of the unethical, since ethical virtues can become properties to be possessed with which the recognition of others is solicited. Ethics thus fosters the very egoism it hopes to transcend, and risks excluding the unfamiliar and the stranger. The author argues inspirationally that the unethical underbelly of ethics must be recognized in order to ensure that it remains vibrant.
- Acknowledgements(第ix頁)
- Abbreviations(第xi頁)
- Introduction(第1頁)
- Part I — The Esteem of Ethics(第15頁)
- Chapter One Taking a Stand : The Moral Philosophy of Confucius and Kant(第17頁)
- Chapter Two Organic Virtue : Reading Mencius with Rousseau(第59頁)
- Part II—Vices of Virtue(第97頁)
- Chapter Three Strangers to Ethics: Kierkegaard and Daoist Approaches(第99頁)
- Chapter Four Beyond Good and Evil : Flexible Ethics in Nietzsche and Daoist Thought(第163頁)
- Conclusion(第227頁)
- Bibliography(第237頁)
- Index(第245頁)