  • Civilizing the Chinese, Competing with the West:Study Societies in Late Qing China【Young Scholars Dissertation Award Series】
  • 點閱:2
  • 作者: Chen Hon Fai著
  • 出版社:中文大學出版社
  • 出版年:2017
  • ISBN:9789629966348
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 頁數:320

This book explores the development of late 19th century study societies in China against the context of the decline of the imperial Qing government and its control on ideological production, widespread social unrest, and intrusions by Western imperialist states. The author uncovers the history of civil society activism in China by examining the study societies in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hunan, which were organized around the goal of promoting and defending the Confucian religion. Illustrating a facet of the civil society that emerged in China as a reaction to the influences of Christianity, the modernization of Confucianism, and nationalist state formation, this study extends understanding of the unique and complex processes of Chinese political and cultural modernization in ways that differed from that of Western societies.


  Chen Hon Fai is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

  • Acknowledgments(第ix頁)
  • Preface by Jack Barbalet(第xiii頁)
  • Introduction(第xix頁)
  • 1 Civilization and its Double:Genealogy of an Essentially Contested Concept(第1頁)
  • 2 Modernity, Nationalism and the Making of Society in Late Qing:Historical and Theoretical Perspectives(第33頁)
  • 3 Religion, Society and the Reinvention of Confucian Civilization:Study Societies in the Reform Era(第57頁)
  • 4 Confucian Religion in Action:The Southern Study Society in Hunan(第81頁)
  • 5 Nationalism, Military Citizenship and Civilization:Study Societies in the Revolutionary Era(第109頁)
  • 6 From Social Practice to Political Action:Civilization and Violence in the Making of Revolution(第139頁)
  • 7 Civilization and Social Transformation:The Moral Milieus and Local Contexts of the Study Society Movement(第159頁)
  • 8 Local Militarization, Semi-Colonial Commercialization and Patterns of Gentry Dominance:The Outcomes of the Study Society Movement(第185頁)
  • Conclusion(第205頁)
  • Notes(第223頁)
  • Bibliography(第249頁)
  • Index of Names(第267頁)
  • Index of Subjects(第271頁)
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NT$ 945

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