The Principal's Graduation:My Heartfelt Words
- 點閱:2
- 作者: SUNG, Joseph, Jao-Yiu著
- 出版社:中文大學出版社
- 出版年:2018
- ISBN:9789882370845
- EISBN:9789882370845 EPUB
- 格式:JPG
Putting admirable rationales of university education into practice is never easy. While it is popular to emphasize market values and competitive rankings, moral values and ideals sound way too lofty nowadays. Under tensions on campus and in society, the head of a university takes the role of striking a balance as skilfully as possible.
Professor Joseph Sung is no exception to all these challenges. He has been enjoying university life with teachers and students, going through ups and downs with them. This book, a collection of 57 blog articles by Professor Sung during his tenure as the seventh Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, tells us the stories. He talks about higher education and social responsibility, pathways and choices our youths make, the visions he had and the challenges he faced, and life values which he wishes his students could take seriously. Though generations come and go, he still cares that they live a simple, noble and humble life. He hopes we care too.
- Foreword 1 Dr. Philemon Choi(第x頁)
- Foreword 2 Prof. Chow Po-chung(第xiv頁)
- Foreword 3 Mr. Tim Choi(第xxii頁)
- Preface(第xxiv頁)
- I. On Higher Education(第1頁)
- The Values of University Education(第3頁)
- Learning to Live a Proper Life(第6頁)
- Admiration for Knowledge and Truth(第11頁)
- Strengthening Education of Our Nation(第14頁)
- My Tribute to Teachers(第20頁)
- University Ranking and Quality Education(第23頁)
- Internationalisation of Higher Education(第28頁)
- Yale, China, and New Asia College(第34頁)
- Not Just Vocational Training(第39頁)
- II. Social Responsibilities of University Education(第43頁)
- Social Responsibility Starts from School(第45頁)
- Building a Caring Campus(第48頁)
- Make This World a Better Place(第52頁)
- This is Part of Higher Education After All(第55頁)
- A Musical Journey(第59頁)
- III. Path to Maturity(第63頁)
- My Tribute to Steve Jobs(第65頁)
- From Lion Rock to Shenzhen River(第70頁)
- Jeremy Lin Storms the World(第74頁)
- If You Are Serious, You Miss It?(第78頁)
- Speak Slowly, Speak Cautiously(第82頁)
- Nurturing Our Youths(第85頁)
- Respect Different Cultures(第90頁)
- Take Your Time, Son(第93頁)
- The Taste of Youth(第97頁)
- Rights and Respect(第101頁)
- IV. Youth Choices(第105頁)
- Consumerism, Market, and Students(第107頁)
- Treasuring Our Own Language(第111頁)
- Be the Change We Want to See(第115頁)
- Why Are Young People Angry?(第119頁)
- My Heart Goes to Students in Nepal Earthquake(第123頁)
- Life is a Precious Gift(第126頁)
- V. Challenges on Campus(第129頁)
- Heaven and Man as One(第131頁)
- Do They Deserve Our Respect?(第136頁)
- Our Way Forward(第140頁)
- War on Hostel Fee(第145頁)
- Gender Equality(第149頁)
- Oh Captain, My Captain(第153頁)
- You Should Leave Now(第157頁)
- Time to Come Home, My Students(第159頁)
- VI. Life Values(第161頁)
- Shanghai: Thirty Years On(第163頁)
- Manila Hostage Tragedy(第167頁)
- Earthquakes in Japan and Sichuan(第170頁)
- My Chinese Heart(第174頁)
- May You Rest in Peace(第179頁)
- A Great Man in Hong Kong’s History(第182頁)
- Football and Our Life(第186頁)
- Being a Patient Myself(第191頁)
- Dignity and Respect(第195頁)
- My Tribute to a Real Educator(第198頁)
- Marathon of a Lifetime(第203頁)
- VII. Dreams and Commitments(第207頁)
- A Bridge from the Heart(第209頁)
- Young Entrepreneurs(第214頁)
- Fresh Air, Blue Ocean(第217頁)
- Global Vision from a Global Citizen(第221頁)
- Somewhere . . . Sometime(第226頁)
- VIII. Graduation(第231頁)
- To the Graduating Class(第233頁)
- Looking back on CUHK in the Past Seven Years(第238頁)
- Farewell(第243頁)