  • The East Turkestan Independence Movement. 1930s to 1940s
  • 點閱:2
  • 作者: Wang Ke著 , Carissa Fletcher譯
  • 出版社:中文大學出版社
  • 出版年:2018
  • ISBN:9789629967697
  • EISBN:9789629967697 EPUB
  • 格式:PDF,JPG

Based on rare firsthand historical data, Wang Ke presents an analysis of East Turkestan from the perspective of Islamic social structure, the origin and evolution of thoughts on national revolution, the power structure of the Republic, and international politics. The original Japanese edition of this book has been recognized as the most authoritative research work on the independence movement of East Turkestan. This revised, enriched English edition provides valuable references for the prominent issues of Xinjiang today.


Wang Ke is professor at the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, Japan. His major research interests include ethnic and religious problems in contemporary China, and modern Chinese political thought. Wang’s recent books are The Disappeared Nationals: Discourse on Nation and National Identity of Ethnic Minorities in Modern China (2017); China, from Tianxia to the Nation State (2017); Nationalism and Modern Sino-Japanese Relations: Nation State, Borderland, and Historical Knowledge (2015); and The East Turkestan Independence Movement: 1930s-1940s (2013) in Chinese editions. Selected titles in Japanese include Nation Building and Ethnic Identity in Twentieth-Century China (2006) and A Study of the East Turkestan Republic: Muslims and the National Problem in China (1995). He won the 18th Suntory Academic Award of Japan.
Carissa Fletcher specializes in historical translation. She received an MA degree in Mandarin and English translation from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

  • List of Figures and Tables(第xi頁)
  • Map(第xiii頁)
  • Introduction(第xv頁)
  • Chapter 1 The “Ummah” and “China”: The Qing Dynasty’s Rule over Uyghur Societyin Xinjiang(第1頁)
    • 1.1 The “New Borderland” (Xinjiang) of the Qing Dynasty(第2頁)
    • 1.2 The People of the Manchu Emperor under Segregated Rule(第9頁)
    • 1.3 From “Jihad” by the Kashgar Khoja Clan to the Founding of the Province of Xinjiang(第17頁)
    • Summary(第25頁)
  • Chapter 2 Origins of the East TurkestanIndependence Movement: Social Context and Shape of the Movement(第27頁)
    • 2.1 Ideology of the East Turkestan Independence Movement(第27頁)
    • 2.2 The First Independence Movement(第32頁)
    • 2.3 Ethnic Oppression in Xinjiang(第36頁)
    • 2.4 Xinjiang’s Dual Social Structure and the Public Administrative System for Uyghur Communities(第40頁)
    • Summary(第46頁)
  • Chapter 3 The Anti-Japanese,Pro-Soviet Agenda: Surface and Substance: Sheng Shicai’s Political Agenda and Ethnic Problemsin Xinjiang(第49頁)
    • 3.1 Japan’s Infiltration of Xinjiang in the Early Modern Era(第50頁)
    • 3.2 Sheng Shicai’s Anti-Japanese, Pro-Soviet Policies(第59頁)
    • Summary(第71頁)
  • Chapter 4 The Dual Power Structure and Ethnic Problems: The Political Agenda and Ethnic Policies underSheng Shicai’s Regime(第73頁)
    • 4.1 Soviet Support and the Establishment of Sheng Shicai’s System of Governance(第74頁)
    • 4.2 The Formation of a Dual Power Structure in Xinjiang Province(第81頁)
    • 4.3 Sheng Shicai’s Political Repositioning(第94頁)
    • Summary(第104頁)
  • Chapter 5 Soviet-Backed “Jihad” by the Turkic-Islamic Peoplesof China: The Rise of the Second Independence Movement andthe Ghulja Uprising(第107頁)
    • 5.1 Nationalist Secret Societies and Their Political Views(第108頁)
    • 5.2 Secret Rebel Organizations and Guerrilla Forces Formed by the Turkic-Islamic Peoples(第119頁)
    • 5.3 The Ghulja Uprising(第128頁)
    • 5.4 Victory in the Ghulja Uprising and Soviet Support(第134頁)
    • Summary(第141頁)
  • Chapter 6 Authority and Power: Political Structure of the East Turkestan Republicin Wartime(第143頁)
    • 6.1 Legitimacy Founded Upon Traditional Authority(第143頁)
    • 6.2 Intellectuals and Political Power in the Republic(第151頁)
    • 6.3 Formation of an Intertwined Power Structure(第161頁)
    • Summary(第170頁)
  • Chapter 7 The Meeting Point ofNationalism and Communism: Soviet Backdrop to the Expansion of the East Turkestan Republic(第173頁)
    • 7.1 The Establishment of a “Three-Front War,” “Residence No. 1,” and “Residence No. 2”(第175頁)
    • 7.2 The “Liberation of Tarbagatay District” and the “Imir Command Post”(第181頁)
    • 7.3 The “Liberation of Altay District,” the “White House,” and the “Blue House”(第185頁)
    • Summary(第194頁)
  • Chapter 8 International Politics andthe Tragedy of the Republic: Behind the Scenes of the Xinjiang Peace Talks(第197頁)
    • 8.1 Soviet Objectives in Supporting the National Independence Movement(第198頁)
    • 8.2 The Shift in Soviet Policy(第203頁)
    • 8.3 The Soviet Union and the Xinjiang Peace Talks(第212頁)
    • Summary(第221頁)
  • Chapter 9 “National Independence”or “National Liberation”: The Fall of the East Turkestan Republic(第225頁)
    • 9.1 A Schism over the Objective of “National Revolution”(第226頁)
    • 9.2 From the “Revolutionary Youth League” to the “Revolutionary Party”(第232頁)
    • 9.3 Fall of the Republic(第244頁)
    • Summary(第251頁)
  • Chapter 10 Ideals Versus Reality: A Detailed Analysis of the SecondEast Turkestan Independence Movement(第253頁)
    • 10.1 The Will of the Soviet Union and the Undemocratic Political System(第254頁)
    • 10.2 Conflict between Modern Objectives and Traditional Society(第259頁)
    • 10.3 Uyghur-Centrism in the Republic(第263頁)
    • 10.4 Economy of the East Turkestan Republic(第269頁)
    • 10.5 The Historical Significance of the East Turkestan Republic(第275頁)
  • Postscript(第281頁)
  • Timeline of Important Events(第285頁)
  • Notes(第291頁)
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