  • The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Transmission of Acupuncture
  • 點閱:4
  • 作者: Liu Lihong編著 , Sabine Wilms譯
  • 出版社:中文大學出版社
  • 出版年:2020
  • ISBN:9789882371132
  • EISBN:9789882371132 EPUB
  • 格式:PDF,JPG

The JINTIAN [今天] series of contemporary liAn indefatigable discoverer and preserver of lost traditions in the field of classical Chinese medicine, Liu Lihong has done it again―The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Transmission of Acupuncture features a passionate and clinically relevant synthesis of his discipleship with Yang Zhenhai, one of the last remaining master practitioners of Daoist acupuncture in mainland China.

  At the forefront of an international discourse on the definition and clinical significance of classical Chinese medicine, Yang and Liu promote yet another holistic medical system that radically contrasts the current penchant for symptom-oriented procedures. This English edition of their book lifts an important esoteric acupuncture lineage out of obscurity and presents it to us in complete and accessible form.

  The holistic approach has also defined Liu’s relentless search for the heart of Chinese medicine during the last three decades, driving his commitment to become the promoter of a diverse spectrum of healing traditions that exemplify the classical standards of Chinese medicine.terature features new and innovative writing from mainland China and abroad. Titles in the series are edited by Bei Dao, Lydia H. Liu, and Christopher Mattison.

  A collaborative venture between Zephyr Press, the Jintian Literary Foundation, and The Chinese University Press, each bilingual title highlights the ever-changing literary culture of China while simultaneously expanding the English language with a wave of new voices in translation.

  “Jami Proctor Xu’s exceptional translation of Song Lin’s lyric landscapes magically captures the poet’s original mind, offering readers an authentic experience of one of our generation’s great writers. A book to savor.”―Ari Larissa Heinrich, translator of Qiu Miaojin’s Last Words from Montmartre (NYRB, 2014)

  “Translation as poetry. That is the excellent way Jami Proctor Xu presents poetry by Song Lin. The impact of warm breath on my skin is an imprint forever. One will never forget it or erase it. Word as touch. Quivers as memory does. Meaning as forever. And forever will never wait since it is always with us. Song Lin’s poetry flows from subterranean regions of the poet’s awareness as well as from his subconscious. Poetry verbal and lyrical sing and ring as ethereal and material voice. Laughter and chuckles, and smiles, utter sadness and quiet reflection, and serene observation coexist with empathy. Poetry is awe, and it is wonder.”―Simon J. Ortiz

  • Introduction Heiner Fruehauf(第ix頁)
  • CHAPTER ONE A Brief Account of the Transmission(第1頁)
    • I. The Guiding Principle behind the Value of Acupuncture(第3頁)
    • II. The Transmission of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Needling(第7頁)
  • CHAPTER TWO Conforming to Yin and Yang, Harmonizing with the Computational Arts(第21頁)
    • I. The Three Powers(第25頁)
    • II. One Yin and One Yang, This Is Called the Dao(第42頁)
    • III. The Secret Meaning of Inner Needling(第77頁)
  • CHAPTER THREE The Specifics of Inner Needling(第95頁)
    • I. Pattern Recognition(第98頁)
    • II. General Rules(第101頁)
    • III. The Identical Qi of the Three Burners(第104頁)
    • IV. The Identical Qi of the Channels(第112頁)
    • V. “Summer Conclusion”(第134頁)
  • Appendix 1. Table of the Identical Qi of the Triple Burner and the Channels and Network Vessels(第149頁)
  • Appendix 2. Channel and Network Vessel Point Locations Mentioned in This Book(第151頁)
  • Glossary of Herbs, Formulas, and Point Names(第153頁)
  • Glossary of Authors and Texts(第157頁)
  • Glossary of Other Terms(第161頁)
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