
  《短禱文》是收藏於《WORDS & THE WORLD詞與世界》盒裝叢書裡,此叢書由二十本袖珍版詩選組成,分別收錄來自二十位國際著名詩人的精選作品。

維瓦克.那拉揚南 Vivek Narayanan
  Vivek Narayanan (India) was born in Ranchi, India in 1972 to Tamil-speaking parents. He has lived, worked and studied in a number of countries, including Zambia, India, South Africa, and the U.S. His books of poetry include Universal Beach (2006) and the forthcoming Mr. Subramanian; his poetry and prose can be found widely online and in print, including in some recent anthologies like The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Indian Poetry (Bloodaxe, 2008), and Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond (W.W. Norton, 2008). In addition to publishing, Narayanan also explores different approaches to reading and performing; he has tried to fuse poetry with other forms in a series of collaborations, experimenting with technology, physical space, movement, site-specific poetry and audience interaction. Narayanan is currently based in New Delhi, where he is Co-Editor for the India-based international journal and literary organisation Almost Island.   1972年生於印度一個泰米爾家庭。曾於多個國家學習和工作,包括贊比亞、印度、南非和美國。他的詩集有《普遍的海岸》(2006)及即將出版的《蘇柏馬尼安先生》;詩作和散文都在網上廣為流傳及發行,並收錄在最近的文集如《Bloodaxe當代印度詩選》(英國Bloodaxe出版社,2008)及《新世紀語言:中東及亞洲各地當代詩選》(W.W.Norton出版社,2008)。除出版著作外,那拉揚南還發掘不同的閱讀和演繹方式;他曾嘗試把詩歌與其他形式融合,以進行科技、形體空間、動作、特定場景詩歌和與受眾溝通等實驗。那拉揚南現居於新德里,是印度註冊國際刊物和文學機構Almost Island的編輯之一。

  • 1 A Meeting with the Senior Poet Who Hated Me 與一位恨我的年長詩人會面(第2頁)
  • 2 Short Prayer to Sound 給聲音的短禱文(第16頁)
  • 3 Short Prayer to the Economy 給經濟的短禱文(第18頁)
  • 4 Short Prayer to the Moon 給月亮的短禱文(第24頁)
  • 5 Three Elegies for Silk Smitha 致 Silk Smitha 的三首輓歌(第26頁)
  • 6 Thief 小偷(第30頁)
  • 7 Homeless Man Washing His Foot in the Bathroom of a Bus Station ( Charleston, South Carolina ) 流浪漢在車站洗手間洗腳(北卡羅來那州,查爾斯頓)(第32頁)
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