  • Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management [May 2022, 12(2)]
  • 點閱:40
  • 作者: Editor-in-Chief Chien-Ho Ko
  • 出版社:De Gruyter
  • 出版年:2022.05
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
租期7天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-10-13

Measuring Quality of Preventive Health and Safety Services

Road Traffic Status Prediction Approach Based on Kmeans-Decision Tree Model

Time-Driven Activity-Based Cost Expansion Model

Assessment Level of Compliance with Public Procurement Act

Exploring Causes of Delays in National Road and Highway Projects in Developing Construction Economy

Challenges of Maturity Models in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Cost Management for Information and Communication Technology Projects

Operationalizing Project Success Criteria through Control Degree

Solving current industrial problems requires cross-disciplinary knowledge and approaches. The Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM-Journal) is an international research journal publishing original research papers. EPPM-Journal is multidisciplinary in nature, considering all topics related to engineering management, project management, and production management. The journal aims to advance the cross-disciplinary sciences in these three fields. This unique platform is intended to inspire new thinking by merging and/or combining different approaches from diverse fields.
All submitted papers are subject to double-bind peer review. The journal publishes two types of papers in both print and online:

Technical Note (within 3000 words)
  • Yilmaz, F. (2022). Measuring Quality of Preventive Health and Safety Services.(第101頁)
  • Hu, X., Chen, X., Liu, W., and Dai, G. (2022). Road Traffic Status Prediction Approach Based on Kmeans-Decision Tree Model.(第108頁)
  • Zhao, L. and Yang, Z. (2022). Time-Driven Activity-Based Cost Expansion Model.(第116頁)
  • Akinradewo, O. F., Bamidele, O. A., and Ogunsemi, D. R. (2022). Assessment Level of Compliance with Public Procurement Act.(第126頁)
  • Karimi, S. and Piroozfar, P. (2022). Exploring Causes of Delays in National Road and Highway Projects in Developing Construction Economy.(第137頁)
  • Datti, Y. U., Zawawi, N. A. W. A., Umar, A. A., Sutanto, M. H., and Danyaro, K.U. (2022). Challenges of Maturity Models in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Post-COVID-19 Era.(第149頁)
  • Abdul-Samad, Z. and Kulandaisamy, P. P. (2022). Cost Management for Information and Communication Technology Projects.(第166頁)
  • Macheridis, N. (2022). Operationalizing Project Success Criteria through Control Degree.(第179頁)
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