Functional constituencies:a unique feature of the Hong Kong Legislative Council
- 點閱:15
- 作者: Christine Loh, Civic Exchange
- 出版社:Hong Kong University Press
- 出版年:2006
- ISBN:9789622097902
- EISBN:9789882203693 PDF
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:416
FUNCTIONAL CONSTITUENCIES A Unique Feature of the Hong Kong Legislative Council provides detailed information on the relevant law of functional constituencies, their place in the Basic Law and with respect to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, their history, a full list of functional constituencies and the size and make-up of their electorates including how certain major companies may control large numbers of votes. Another chapter reports on a pioneering study which polled individual functional constituency voters to build up the first comprehensive picture of such electors. Then the impacts of the functional constituency members on social policy-making and on economic policy are examined, and deleterious effects on economic efficiency of its entrenchment of vested interests argued. An enclosed CD provides a rich resource of additional data on the functional constituencies. In a concluding chapter, Christine Loh explores the constraints for reform of LegCo, the various reform proposals that have been made and suggests how the democratic legitimacy of the Hong Kong system could be enhanced within the current constraints.
- PREFACE Christine Loh(第xvii頁)
- INTRODUCTION Christine Loh(第1頁)
- SCNPC Decision 2004(第1頁)
- Research challenge(第2頁)
- FCs versus GCs(第3頁)
- ‘Balanced’ or skewed participation?(第4頁)
- Dispassionate assessment(第5頁)
- Transparency and corporate voting(第7頁)
- Accountable to whom?(第8頁)
- Preserving capitalism(第8頁)
- Design to thwart legislative initiative(第9頁)
- Election Committee and its subsectors(第10頁)
- Chapter organisation(第12頁)
- CHAPTER 1 Government and business alliance:Hong Kong’s functional constituencies Christine Loh(第19頁)
- Introduction(第19頁)
- Background(第20頁)
- Complexity of colonial rule(第21頁)
- Politics of appointment(第28頁)
- Hong Kong’s colonial governing formula(第31頁)
- Selection of the post-colonial elites and setting of the HKSAR economic policies in the Basic Law(第32頁)
- Tung’s policies 1997-2005(第34頁)
- Functional constituencies and electoral reform(第36頁)
- Concluding observations(第38頁)
- CHAPTER 2 Business friendly and politically convenient-the historical role of functional constituencies Leo F. Goodstadt(第41頁)
- A colonial legacy(第41頁)
- In the absence of democracy(第42頁)
- Defeating democracy(第44頁)
- Bowing to business(第45頁)
- In search of safety(第46頁)
- In fear of friends(第47頁)
- Political paranoia(第49頁)
- A loss of nerve(第50頁)
- Populism without democracy(第52頁)
- Repackaging the past(第54頁)
- Post-colonial crisis(第55頁)
- ‘Sun-lit democracy’(第56頁)
- CHAPTER 3 Privileged to vote:Inequalities and anomalies of the FC system Simon N.M. Young and Anthony Law(第59頁)
- Introduction(第59頁)
- The functional constituency system(第60頁)
- The functional constituency electorate(第81頁)
- Summary of findings and conclusions(第103頁)
- CHAPTER 4 Elected by the elite:Functional constituency legislators and elections Simon N.M. Young(第111頁)
- Introduction(第111頁)
- Functional constituency legislators(第112頁)
- Functional constituency elections(第133頁)
- Summary of findings and conclusions(第136頁)
- CHAPTER 5 The legal status of functional constituencies Gladys Li and Nigel Kat(第143頁)
- The Basic Law(第143頁)
- The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(第144頁)
- The way forward(第150頁)
- Summary(第150頁)
- Annex(第152頁)
- CHAPTER 6 Comparative profiles and attitudes of FC voters versus GC voters in the 2004 LegCo election campaign Michael E. DeGolyer(第155頁)
- Executive summary(第155頁)
- Unfairness and its effects(第156頁)
- Methods and meaning(第159頁)
- Characteristics of FCs and GCs(第163頁)
- Attitudinal characteristics of GCs and FCs(第172頁)
- Annex(第191頁)
- CHAPTER 7 The dynamics of social policy making in Hong Kong:The role of functional representatives(1998-2004) Rowena Y.F. Kwok and Chow Chiu Tak(第199頁)
- Overview(第199頁)
- Introduction(第200頁)
- Part I. Quantitative study:FR participation in social policy deliberations and decisions(第203頁)
- Part II. Qualitative study:Case studies on FR participation in social policy deliberations and decisions(第219頁)
- Part III. Conclusion(第262頁)
- CHAPTER 8 The contribution of the functional constituencies to economic policy in Hong Kong, 2000–2004 Tony Latter(第265頁)
- Introduction and summary(第265頁)
- Aims and methodology(第266頁)
- Findings(第267頁)
- Impact on policy(第272頁)
- Closing remarks(第273頁)
- Annex(第274頁)
- CHAPTER 9 Non-positive interventionism:How functional constituencies distort the free market Jake van der Kamp and Carine Lai(第283頁)
- Introduction(第283頁)
- Challenging assumptions(第285頁)
- How the FCs don’t work(第290頁)
- Free market-or not?(第292頁)
- Economic development or corporate welfare?(第297頁)
- FCs distort town planning(第303頁)
- Transport policy(第306頁)
- Conclusion(第308頁)
- CHAPTER 10 ‘One person, one vote’:The US electoral system and the functional constituencies The Association of the Bar of the City of New York(第311頁)
- Introduction(第311頁)
- The US electoral system in the context of Hong Kong’s electoral debate(第313頁)
- Representative democracy in the United States(第314頁)
- Functional constituencies and the one person, one vote principle in Hong Kong(第320頁)
- Conclusion:The Basic Law, the rule of law and democracy-guarantees for stability and prosperity in Hong Kong(第321頁)
- CONCLUSION Functional constituencies:The way forward Christine Loh(第325頁)
- Quality of government(第325頁)
- Democratic characteristics(第325頁)
- Economic inequalities, political tension and ‘good government’(第326頁)
- Hong Kong and political legitimacy(第326頁)
- Executive-led government(第327頁)
- Political structures and legislatures(第328頁)
- Good for capitalism and social stability?(第329頁)
- Functional elections and the middle class(第330頁)
- A devil’s bargain?(第331頁)
- Trade-offs and design goals(第331頁)
- ‘Not acceptable’ to Beijing(第332頁)
- Civic Exchange’s proposal(第333頁)
- Election process(第338頁)
- Conclusion(第339頁)
- Notes to Introduction(第343頁)
- Notes to Chapter 1(第345頁)
- Notes to Chapter 2(第355頁)
- Notes to Chapter 3(第360頁)
- Notes to Chapter 4(第367頁)
- Notes to Chapter 5(第372頁)
- Notes to Chapter 6(第373頁)
- Notes to Chapter 7(第375頁)
- Notes to Chapter 8(第381頁)
- Notes to Chapter 9(第381頁)
- Notes to Chapter 10(第385頁)
- Notes to Conclusion(第389頁)