與時俱進,122條易混淆文法 X 129題精華評量測驗,
▎ 獨創八大核心文法原則,脈絡一目了然,學習更有系統、更完整
▎3 W文法學習三層次,step by step,學習有邏輯有效率
▎122 篇條列式問題+一針見血解析,精準點出易混淆文法觀念
八大核心主題下涵蓋 122條必學文法內容,輔以【原來如此】精準扼要解析以
▎ 獨創八大核心文法原則,脈絡一目了然,學習更有系統、更完整
▎3 W文法學習三層次,step by step,學習有邏輯有效率
▎122 篇條列式問題+一針見血解析,精準點出易混淆文法觀念
八大核心主題下涵蓋 122條必學文法內容,輔以【原來如此】精準扼要解析以
- 使用說明 User's guide(第6頁)
- 作者序 Preface(第8頁)
- Chapter 1. 語意完整(第17頁)
- Q01. because 和 so 子句為什麼不可以構成一個句子?(第18頁)
- Q02. “ I came, I saw, I conquered. ” 為什麼沒有連接詞 and?(第19頁)
- Q03. 為什麼 “ The man whom I talked to just now is my colleague. ” 的形容詞子句不可以縮減為分詞片語?(第21頁)
- Q04. “ I bet you a steak that the school team will win the semifinal. ” 是什麼句型?(第23頁)
- Q05. “ The chef is tasting the soup. ” 的 taste 是連綴動詞嗎?(第25頁)
- Q06. 句子 “ I am fond of drawing. ” 中的介係詞片語 “ of drawing ” 為什麼是必要成分?(第26頁)
- Q07. 為什麼過去式動詞要加 -ed?(第27頁)
- Q08. 為什麼比較級形容詞要加 -er,最高級要加 -est ?(第28頁)
- Q09. 為什麼助動詞 do、does、did 搭配的是原形動詞?(第30頁)
- Q10. 為什麼 “ The child can play the piano well. ” 的 play 是原形動詞?(第31頁)
- Q11. 現在完成式與現在完成進行式有什麼差別?(第33頁)
- Q12. “ We had done the most difficult part. ” 正確嗎?(第35頁)
- Q13. “ since two months ago. ” 這片語對嗎?(第37頁)
- Q14. “ There is a book on the table. ” 和 “ A book is on the table. ” 一樣意思嗎?(第39頁)
- Q15. “ There are no books on the table.” 等於 “ There are not any books on the table. ” 嗎?(第40頁)
- Q16. “ It seems that Tom is not the right person for this job. ” 是名詞子句移位的結果嗎?(第42頁)
- Chapter 2. 標示主從(第45頁)
- Q01. “ We paid her in cash so that she left contented. ” 的 so that 子句表示目的嗎?(第46頁)
- Q02. “ Look at the way how those monkeys clean each other. ” 這句子對嗎?(第48頁)
- Q03. “ The next time you want to borrow something, ask me first, please. ” 這句話正確嗎?(第49頁)
- Q04. “ Get up now, or you will miss the school bus. ” 的 “ Get up now ” 是命令句嗎?(第51頁)
- Q05. “ If you will invite me, I will join you. ” 這句話對嗎(第52頁)
- Q06. “ It was Columbus who discovered America in 1492. ” 的結構怎麼是這樣?(第53頁)
- Q07. “ The Great Wall, which is famousall over the world, is located in thenorthern part of China. ” 與 “ The GreatWall, located in the northern part ofChina, is famous all over the world. ” 二句子有什麼差別?(第54頁)
- Q08 為什麼 “ Mom made me help Tom do his work. ” 中,只有 made 標記時態(第56頁)
- Q09. 形容詞的順序要背嗎?(第57頁)
- Q10. “ red brick ” 與 “ brick red ” 有什麼差別?(第61頁)
- Q11. “ The cat was lying on the wall, with its tail hanging down. ” 中的 with 介係詞片語怎麼有現在分詞?(第64頁)
- Q12. “ For there to be life, there needs to be liquid water. ” 句子中的 “ there to be life ” 是什麼結構?(第65頁)
- Q13. “ The project, it turns out, has been more difficult than we expected. ” 中的 “ it turns out ” 是什麼句型?(第68頁)
- Q14. “ Two hairs were found at the scene. ” 這句話對嗎?(第71頁)
- Chapter 3. 形意搭配(第75頁)
- Q01. 為什麼事實相反的假設句要用早一時間的時態?(第76頁)
- Q02. 假設句中的 but that 為什麼接的是直說語氣?(第78頁)
- Q03. “ Not until after midnight did they arrive at the destination. ” 的意思為什麼是「他們直到午夜過後才抵達目的地」?(第80頁)
- Q04. “ Tom was being polite while talking to the principal. ” 為什麼用 being?(第81頁)
- Q05. “ the late president ” 表示校長遲到了嗎?(第83頁)
- Q06. “ *Please turn on it. ” 為什麼不對?(第85頁)
- Q07 如何快速學會可分開與不可分開片語動詞?(第86頁)
- Q08. “ A thief was arrested by the police at the station. ” 被動句型為什麼是「be 過去分詞」?(第88頁)
- Q09. “ Tom was made to work hard. ” 句中的 “ to work ” 為什麼是不定詞?(第90頁)
- Q10. “ Your video had me laughing hysterically. ” 這句話用 laughing 是否正確?(第91頁)
- Q11. “ The machine needs repairing. ” 為什麼可用動名詞 repairing?(第92頁)
- Q12. decide 為什麼要接不定詞當受詞?(第94頁)
- Q13. “ The clerk to work overtime still didn’t complete the task. ” 這句話對嗎?(第96頁)
- Q14. 為什麼 “ Mr. Lee asked me to erase the board. ” 的受詞補語是不定詞?(第97頁)
- Q15. 為什麼 see、hear 不搭配不定詞當受詞補語?(第98頁)
- Q16. “ The man was seen to enter the office. ” 這句話正確嗎?(第99頁)
- Q17. 為什麼 “ *I hope you to join us. ” 句子不對?(第100頁)
- Q18. I was wondering what happened to him. ” 是指過去的想法嗎?(第102頁)
- Q19. 為什麼 finish 接的是動名詞?(第103頁)
- Q20. “ The government spent a lot of money to fight against air pollution. ” 這句話正確嗎?(第105頁)
- Q21. “ It was awful, but I couldn't helplaughing. ” 句中的 help 為什麼加接 laughing?(第107頁)
- Q22. “ living room ” 的 living 是現在分詞或是動名詞?(第108頁)
- Q23. “ The dean called a teacher from Kaohsiung. ” 有幾種解釋?(第110頁)
- Q24. “ I don’t think it will rain tomorrow. ” 及 “ I think it won’t rain tomorrow. ” 有什麼差別?(第113頁)
- Q25. “ Tom went to bed until his parents got back home. ” 這句話正確嗎?(第114頁)
- Chapter 4. 鄰近原則(第117頁)
- Q01. “ *With ponytail hair style, I met a cute boy. ” 這句子正確嗎?(第118頁)
- Q02. “ I saw a mouse running out from underthe sofa. ” 句中的介係詞 from 為什麼接介係詞片語?(第120頁)
- Q03. 為什麼 “ What made you change your mind?” 句中 made 的受詞補語是原形?(第121頁)
- Q04. Don’t get him talking about political issues. ” 這句話用 talking 正確嗎?(第122頁)
- Q05. “ The car was stolen which the man had rented yesterday. ” 這句話對嗎?(第123頁)
- Q06. “ I gave Tom a ball. ” 可代換為 “ I gave a ball to Tom. ” 嗎?(第125頁)
- Q07. “ I hurried to the drug store, only to find it closed. ” 中的 only 是什麼意思?(第126頁)
- Q08. “ Tom never smokes or drinks. ” 的 “ or 是什麼意思?(第128頁)
- Q09. “ Don't drink and drive. ” 為什麼就是指喝酒?(第129頁)
- Q10. 電影片名《玩命關頭》— “ Fast andFurious ” 有什麼語言意涵?(第131頁)
- Q11. “ Brian as well as his roommates is going to the concert tonight. ” 這句話對嗎?(第132頁)
- Q12. “ Cindy is too willing to marry Tom. ” 是說 Cindy 不願嫁給 Tom 嗎?(第134頁)
- Q13. “ We dined in a restaurant last night. ” 為什麼地方副詞置於時間副詞前面?(第136頁)
- Q14. 為什麼情態副詞總是置於地方或時間副詞前面?(第138頁)
- Q15. “ Especiall organic food has incredible health benefits. ” 中的副詞 especially 是修飾整句嗎?(第140頁)
- Chapter 5. 指涉明確(第143頁)
- Q01. 為什麼母音為首的名詞搭配的是 an ?(第144頁)
- Q02. “ two hundred dollars ” 的 hundred 為什麼不是複數形?(第146頁)
- Q03. “ The orange is not the tangerine. ” 表示全體嗎?(第147頁)
- Q04. “ A Mr. Lin called you when you were in the meeting. ” 為什麼專有名詞前面有不定冠詞 “ a ”?(第149頁)
- Q05. 怎麼分辨 “ a number of ” 與 “ the number of ” 的用法?(第151頁)
- Q06. “ I don’t like this kind of film. ” 的 film 為什麼不加限定詞?(第153頁)
- Q07. “ Tom is taller than all the students in his class. ” 這句話對嗎?(第155頁)
- Q08. “ Reading comic books is fun. ” 是誰在看漫畫書?(第157頁)
- Q09. “ It is important to me to stay on task. ” 為什麼用介係詞 to,而不是 for?(第160頁)
- Q10. “ Tom usually talks to himself. ” 為什麼用反身代名詞 “ himself ”?(第162頁)
- Q11. “ Some people say Hawaii is spoiled, but I don't think so. ”,so 的功用是什麼?(第164頁)
- Q12. “ The dog looks cute. ” 是狗狗認為自己看起來 cute 嗎?(第169頁)
- Chapter 6. 結構保留(第171頁)
- Q01. “ *I don’t know how to do. ” 正確嗎?(第172頁)
- Q02. “ Where are you from? ” 的 “ Where ” 為什麼是在句首?而且 are 要移至 you 的前面?(第174頁)
- Q03. I don't know what I should do.” 句子有 what,怎麼不是疑問句式?(第176頁)
- Q04. “ George really likes the green T-shirt, but I like the blue one. ” 為什麼是用 one ?(第178頁)
- Q05. “ These are the things which you should bring with you. ” 為什麼用 which ?(第181頁)
- Q06. “ As is often the case, Tom was late again. ” 的 “ As is often the case ” 是什麼結構?(第195頁)
- Q07. “ Jack is planning to take a trip to Singapore during the Chinese New Year, which is my must-do during thesummer time. ” 句子中,形容詞子句的先行詞是什麼?(第199頁)
- Q08. “ I'm inspired by each and every one who is speaking out against gender discrimination. ” 這句子的 every one 搭配關係代名詞 who,正確嗎?(第201頁)
- Q09. 怎樣分析 94 年統測試題的句子 “ A balanced diet gives the body the nutrients it needs to function properly. ”?(第202頁)
- Q10. “ What a nice sound that is!” 的感嘆句型怎麼形成的?(第204頁)
- Q11. “ It is important to conserve energy. ” 句中的主詞為什麼要用 it?(第205頁)
- Q12. “ Help yourself to a drink, won’t you?” 的附加問句為什麼是 “ won’t you?”(第206頁)
- Q13. “ The more you do, the more you can do. ” 這句子怎麼分析?(第208頁)
- Chapter 7. 經濟原則(第211頁)
- Q01. May all your dreams come true!” 是疑問句嗎?(第212頁)
- Q02. We want the former manager back. ” 句子中的 back 是動詞嗎?(第214頁)
- Q03. “ play the piano ” 一定要有定冠詞 the 嗎?(第215頁)
- Q04. “ Doing his homework, Tom went out for a walk. ” 這句話對嗎?(第218頁)
- Q05. “ Tom went out shutting the door behind him. ” 句中 shutting 是副詞子句縮減的分詞構句嗎?(第227頁)
- Q06. “ The rich are not always happy. ” 中 the 為什麼接形容詞 rich?(第229頁)
- Q07. “ a mountain lake of blue color, round in shape ” 如何使這樣的寫法更好?(第230頁)
- Q08. “ I am afraid that I can’t agree with you. ” 句子的 that 引導的是什麼子句?(第232頁)
- Q09. “ Mrs. Lin’s son died young. ” 的 young 怎麼分析?(第233頁)
- Q10. “ how come ” 可以代換為 ” why not ” 嗎?(第235頁)
- Q11. “ due to ” 與 “ because of ” 的用法一樣嗎?(第238頁)
- Q12. “ under control ” 為什麼表示被動?(第240頁)
- Q13. 為什麼 this 及 is 不可縮寫?(第242頁)
- Q14. cellphone 與 cell phone 的拼寫有什麼差別?(第245頁)
- Chapter 8. 語用原則(第249頁)
- Q01. “ It will be fun being in New York again. ” 正確嗎?(第250頁)
- Q02. “ It is no use ” 只能搭配動名詞嗎?(第251頁)
- Q03. “ What does Tom look like today?” 這句話正確嗎?(第252頁)
- Q04. 可以用 “ How young ” 詢問訊息嗎?(第253頁)
- Q05. “ Mr. Lin suggests that the student speak English when making a presentation. ” 句中受詞子句的 speak 是省略 should 嗎?(第255頁)
- Q06. “ The key opened the door. ” 中的 key 怎麼會自己開門?(第257頁)
- Q07. “ You may take any type of ocean shrimpin California waters. ” 這句話對嗎?(第260頁)
- Q08. “ Both of my parents are not teachers. ” 表示「我的父母不都是老師」嗎?(第262頁)
- Q09. “ The vase broke. ” 這句子為什麼不是被動式?(第264頁)
- Q10. “ The film amused all the children. ” 句中的受詞是接受動作者嗎?(第266頁)
- Q11. “ Asia is three times bigger than Europe ” 表示亞洲比歐洲大三倍嗎?(第269頁)
- Q12. “ We drank three bottles of wine between the four of us. ” 這句話對嗎?(第275頁)
- Q13. “ The boy narrowly escaped drowning. ” 為什麼是表示險些溺斃?(第276頁)
- 附錄:(第279頁)
- (一)測驗題&解析(第280頁)
- (二)不規則動詞三態記憶(第339頁)
紙本書 NT$ 399