Teachings and commentary on the sutra of infinite meanings. Volumes I and II
- 譯自:無量義經講述
- 作者: Shih Cheng Yen , translator Dharma as Water Team, Tzu Chi USA
- 出版社:Jing Si Publishing Co., Ltd.
- 出版年:2021
- EISBN:9786269503629 EPUB; 9789869960465 全套
- 格式:EPUB 流式
- 字數:1009465
Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings is compiled from the teachings expounded during the seven-day Buddhist retreats in 1972 and 1973. Master Cheng Yen explained the sutra word by word, verse by verse, and complemented it with many analogies and real-life stories, connecting matters to principles.The book is organized as follows: The first volume includes the Preface, which describes the background of the teachings and Master Cheng Yen’s karmic affinity with the Sutra of Infinite Meanings, as well as her commentary on the first chapter of the sutra, “Chapter on Virtues.” The second volume includes the commentary on the second and third chapters of the sutra, “Chapter on Expounding the Dharma,” and “Chapter on the Ten Merits.” As for the last passage in the “Chapter on the Ten Merits,” “At this time, Great Magnificent Bodhisattva-Mahasattva and the eighty thousand bodhisattva-mahasattvas then rose from their seats” to, “At this time, all in the assembly rejoiced. They paid their respects to the Buddha and accepted and upheld the teachings as they departed,” the audio tape of Master Cheng Yen’s teaching on this section has been lost. Therefore, only the sutra passages have been kept without any additions.《無量義經講述》編纂依據一九七二年及一九七三年佛七開示《無量義經》內容,證嚴上人逐字逐句講述經文,輔以較多譬喻、生活點滴,事理相應。此書章節編輯,將上人與《無量義經》因緣、背景等段落,輯成「前言」一章,而〈德行品〉、〈說法品〉、〈十功德品〉,則各自獨立成章。第一冊包含了「前言」以及〈德行品〉;第二冊則包含了〈說法品〉以及〈十功德品〉。唯〈十功德品〉最後一段經文「是時大莊嚴菩薩摩訶薩,與八萬菩薩摩訶薩,即從坐起,……爾時大會皆大歡喜,為佛作禮,受持而去」,因錄音帶佚失,闕漏當時開示此段經文的內容,故僅保留經文未作增補。
- Editor’s Note
- Preface by Dharma Master Cheng Yen
- The Sutra of Infinite Meanings Sutra Text
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three