  • Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management [September 2020, 10(3)]
  • 點閱:5
  • 作者: Editor-in-Chief Chien-Ho Ko
  • 出版社:De Gruyter
  • 出版年:2020.09
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
租期7天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-11-17

Construction Contract Conversion: An Approach to Resolve

Health and Safety in Crowded Large Size Buildings: The Effect of Perceived Safety on User Behaviour in the Holy Mosque.
Major Causes Assessment of Construction Delays.
Psychosocial Construction Work Environment and Wellbeing in the Viability of Indigenous Construction Firms.
Labor Productivity Improvement Obtained by Masonry Walls Project Design Implementation.
Application of African Couchgrass in Manufacturing of Medium Density Fiberboard.
Investigation and Comparative Analysis of Learning Curve Models on Construction Productivity: The Case of Caisson Fabrication Process.

Solving current industrial problems requires cross-disciplinary knowledge and approaches. The Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM-Journal) is an international research journal publishing original research papers. EPPM-Journal is multidisciplinary in nature, considering all topics related to engineering management, project management, and production management. The journal aims to advance the cross-disciplinary sciences in these three fields. This unique platform is intended to inspire new thinking by merging and/or combining different approaches from diverse fields.
All submitted papers are subject to double-bind peer review. The journal publishes two types of papers in both print and online:

Technical Note (within 3000 words)

  • Shash, A. A. and Habash, S. I. (2020). Construction Contract Conversion: An Approach to Resolve Disputes.(第162頁)
  • Gidado, K. and Alkhadim, M. (2020). Health and Safety in Crowded Large Size Buildings: The Effect of Perceived Safety on User Behaviour in the Holy Mosque.(第170頁)
  • Umar, A. A., Rizeiqi, R. K. A., and Badr, A. (2020). Major Causes Assessment of Construction Delays.(第179頁)
  • Oladimeji, O. (2020). Psychosocial Construction Work Environment and Wellbeing in the Viability of Indigenous Construction Firms.(第187頁)
  • Santos, F., Agostinho, L., Araújo, L., Aidar, L. A., Piña, A. B., and Carvalho, M. (2020). Labor Productivity Improvement Obtained by Masonry Walls Project Design Implementation.(第200頁)
  • Mbereyaho, L., Nzayisenga, L., Tuyizere, E., and Hagenimana, F. (2020). Application of African Couchgrass in Manufacturing of Medium Density Fiberboard.(第211頁)
  • Ralli, P., Panas, A., Pantouvakis, J. P., and Karagiannakidis, D. (2020). Investigation and Comparative Analysis of Learning Curve Models on Construction Productivity: The Case of Caisson Fabrication Process.(第219頁)
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