  • Annotated leading patent cases in major Asian jurisdictions
  • 點閱:18
  • 作者: Kung-Chung Liu
  • 出版社:City University of Hong Kong Press
  • 出版年:2017
  • 集叢名:ARCIALA Asian IP law series
  • ISBN:9789629373078
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 附註:Includes index
租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-12-27

The first of its kind, this book presents a comprehensive collection of leading patent cases from nine major Asian jurisdictions which are analyzed by eminent scholars and legal practitioners from Asia, Germany, and the United States. It contains thirty case reports covering six topics which best reflect the current trends in Asia in patent law, namely specialized IP court (or division), compulsory licensing, the intersection between patent law and competition law, injunction, damages, and choice of jurisdiction and law in cross-border patent litigation. Each case report explores a landmark case by deconstructing the legal background and the legal reasoning of the decisions, and then discussing the commercial and/or industrial ramifications.
The present volume is a useful guide for practitioners, lawyers, and judges alike, a primer for students and businessmen entering the IP world, and a reminder for policymakers, both within Asia and further afield.

Kung-Chung Liu is the founding director of the Applied Research Center for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia (ARCIALA), Singapore Management University. He studied law at National Taiwan University and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich. Professor Liu s teaching and research interests are intellectual property law, antitrust and unfair competition law, and communications law.

  • Acknowledgements(第ix頁)
  • Chapter 1 Introduction — Asian IP Landscape and Patent Features(第xi頁)
  • Chapter 2 Specialized IP Court (or Division) and Its Efficacy(第19頁)
    • 2.1 Recognizing the Abuse of Rights Defenseand the Invalidation Defense Ichiro Nakayama(第20頁)
    • 2.2 Recognizing the Abuse of Rights Defenseand the Invalidation Defense Byungil Kim(第33頁)
    • 2.3 Solving Challenge Resulting from Bifurcation System Su-Hua Lee(第42頁)
    • 2.4 Power of the IP Court Not to Allow Amendmentto Patent Claims during Invalidation Proceedings Ida Madieha Bt. Abdul Ghani Azmi(第55頁)
    • 2.5 Invalidation Judgment: Implications to the Reformof Short Term Patent System and IP Court Yahong Li(第69頁)
  • Chapter 3 Compulsory Licensing(第83頁)
    • 3.1 Grounds for Compulsory Licensing:from Ambiguity to Clarity ?(第84頁)
    • 3.2 Government Use of Patented Drugsto Facilitate Access to Medicines Tay Pek San(第98頁)
    • 3.3 Seven Compulsory Licenses on Pharmaceutical Product Patents Weerawit Weeraworawit(第112頁)
    • 3.4 Compulsory License of Bayer’s Patented Drug Nexavar N.S Gopalakrishnan(第124頁)
    • 3.5 Compulsory Licensing of Taiwanese CD-R PatentsOwned by Philips Kung-Chung Liu(第148頁)
    • 3.6 Patent Pools, Refusal to License, and Abuseof a Dominant Position Christopher Heath(第162頁)
  • Chapter 4 Intersection between Patent Law and Competition Law(第183頁)
    • 4.1 Anti-competitive Patent Licensing Practice : Qualcomm’s Abuse of Market Dominance Byungil Kim(第184頁)
    • 4.2 The Determination of FRAND Rate for SEPs : Huawei v. InterDigital Jyh-An Lee(第194頁)
    • 4.3 Criteria for Using Standard Essential Patents Legallyin China Haochen Sun(第206頁)
    • 4.4 Anti-monopoly Case against Qualcomm’s Patent Licensing Practice Li Jing and Lin Xiuqin(第217頁)
    • 4.5 NDRC’s Antitrust Remedies Against Qualcomm’s SEP Package Licensing Yanbing Li(第230頁)
    • 4.6 Enforcement of FRAND-encumbered SEPs Masabumi Suzuki(第241頁)
    • 4.7 IP Court Contradicted the TFTC’s Decision on Abuse of Monopolistic Market Power Kung-Chung Liu(第262頁)
  • Chapter 5 Injunction(第273頁)
    • 5.1 The Impact of Granting Interim Injunctionon Public Interest of Promoting Competition N.S Gopalakrishnan(第274頁)
    • 5.2 Public Interest Considerations in the Grant of Interim Injunctions in Pharmaceutical Patent Infringement Cases Arpan Banerjee(第294頁)
    • 5.3 Injunctive Relief and Compulsory Licensing under Indian Patent Law Shubha Ghosh(第307頁)
    • 5.4 Injunctive Relief for the Infringement of FRAND-encumbered SEPs Chang-Hwa Kim and Byungil Kim(第323頁)
    • 5.5 Appeals of Interlocutory Orders Issued by the IP Office in Injunction Cases Alex Ferdinand S. Fider(第332頁)
  • Chapter 6 Damages(第349頁)
    • 6.1 15% Profit Margin as Damages for Patent Infringement Luo Li(第350頁)
    • 6.2 Requirements for Presumption of Damages Basedon an Infringer’s Profit Yoshiyuki Tamura(第364頁)
    • 6.3 Infringer’s Profits and Deductible Expenses and Costs Su-Hua Lee(第378頁)
  • Chapter 7 Choice of Jurisdiction and Law in Cross-border Patent Litigation(第391頁)
    • 7.1 Applicable Law When an Act Implemented in Japan Allegedly Infringed a U.S. Patent Right Yasuto Komada(第392頁)
    • 7.2 Korean Court Applying French Law Chang-Hwa Kim and Byungil Kim(第408頁)
    • 7.3 Jurisdiction and Applicable Law over Disputes Involving Patent Holders without Domicile in China Jia Wang(第417頁)
    • 7.4 Taiwanese Courts Applying Dutch Law Kung-Chung Liu(第427頁)
  • Index(第441頁)
  • List of Cases and Decisions(第445頁)
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