Package tours in Taiwan:design, organization, and guiding of package tours in Taiwan
- 作者: editor, Claudius Petzold
- 出版社:Fu Jen Catholic University Press
- 出版年:2018
- 集叢名:輔仁大學研究叢書:209
- ISBN:9789578843097
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 附註:Text in English, Chinese, German
- Chapter 1: Mass tourism and specialized tours in Taiwan(第13頁)
- Chapter 2: Risk management of German medium-sized tour organizers(第18頁)
- I. Introduction(第18頁)
- II. Legal framework(第19頁)
- III. Organizational and legal structure(第25頁)
- IV. Problems in Taiwan as an example(第28頁)
- V. Implementation(第29頁)
- VI. Conclusions(第34頁)
- Chapter 3: German and Taiwanese regulations for tour coaches(第37頁)
- I. Introduction(第37頁)
- II. Laws of the European Union and Germany(第38頁)
- III. Situation in Taiwan(第45頁)
- IV. Some suggestions(第52頁)
- Chapter 4: 台灣發展山區觀光的困境(第55頁)
- Translation:(第56頁)
- Chapter 5: The Increasingly Sad Fate of Taiwan’s Hot Spring(第58頁)
- I. Invisible threats(第59頁)
- II. Reasons behind and Conclusions(第61頁)
- Additional remarks: ( Claudius Petzold )(第63頁)
- Chapter 6: Travel motivation, image, guidebooks and tour design(第65頁)
- I. Introduction(第65頁)
- II. Travel motivation and images of a destination(第65頁)
- III. Implementation(第72頁)
- IV. Expectation and Images according to the survey(第76頁)
- Chapter 7: Standard Operation Procedure for tour guiding(第86頁)
- I. Introduction(第86頁)
- II. General psychological conflict(第87頁)
- III. Typical situations and problems(第87頁)
- Chapter 8: Tour guiding for French speaking guests 法語導遊實務與觀光發展現況(第94頁)
- I. 外語導遊 ? 外語領隊 ?(第95頁)
- II. 外語導遊考試考什麼 ?(第96頁)
- III. 法語旅客的特性和法語導遊的難處(第98頁)
- IV. 實務帶團經驗分享(第102頁)
- V. 總結(第106頁)
- Chapter 9: Theroretical and Practical trainings courses for students(第107頁)
- I. Method(第108頁)
- II. Different education and requirement(第108頁)
- III. The project(第110頁)
- IV. Summary for an appropriate curriculum(第119頁)
- Chapter 10: Reiseleiterausbildung und Germanistikstudium(第121頁)
- I. Bedeutung des Tourismus für Thailand(第121頁)
- II. Reiseleiterausbildung in Thailand(第123頁)
- III. Arbeitsumfeld für thailändische Reiseleiter(第124頁)
- IV. Germanistikstudium in Thailand: Bestandsaufnahme 2016(第125頁)
- V. Vorschläge zur Lehrplanentwicklung(第129頁)
- VI. Schlussbemerkungen(第135頁)
- Chapter 11: Alternative and soft tourism in Taiwan: Difficulties for the development and management of smaller projects(第138頁)
- Chapter 12: 合作共生司馬庫斯經驗與推動自然.人文部落遊學行(第140頁)
- 一 合作共生的司馬庫斯經驗(第140頁)
- 二 司馬庫斯部落自然.人文部落遊學行(第143頁)
- Additional remarks(第145頁)
- Chapter 13: Tourism development in Datong(第148頁)
- I. History of Datong Village(第148頁)
- II. History of Dali Village(第149頁)
- III. Description of the Sakadang area / Tourism(第150頁)
- IV. Development of the Lodges(第150頁)
- V. Establishment of the Local Council(第151頁)
- Chapter 14: Leader village/立德布洛灣山月村村長(第153頁)
- I. Bruwan Terrace and Leader Villiage(第153頁)
- II. History of the area(第153頁)
- III. Development of Leader Village(第155頁)
- IV. Construction of Leader Village(第156頁)
- V. Cultural Preservation(第158頁)
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