Building beehives
- 點閱:3
- 作者: by Howland Blackiston
- 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- 出版年:2019
- 集叢名:For dummies
- ISBN:9781119544388
- EISBN:9781119544401 ebk; 9781119544432 ebk
- 格式:EPUB 流式,PDF,JPG
- 附註:Title from colophon: Building beehives for dummies "Learning made easy"--Cover Includes index
The easy way to build your own beehives and beekeeping equipment
Building Beehives For Dummies is the follow-up book to the bestselling Beekeeping For Dummies. It provides everything you need to learn how to build some of the world's most popular hives and beekeeping accessories. For each design the book includes a detailed materials list (what lumber, hardware and fasteners you'll need), step-by-step building instructions, and illustrative drawings that show how the components all fit together. There are over a dozen plans in all, including the traditional Langstroth hive, the eight frame garden hive, designs for elevated hive stands, the Warre hive, screened bottom board, the Kenya top-bar hive, four-frame observation hive, hive top feeders, and more. The book contains introductory chapters that teach you the basic carpentry skills necessary to build any of the plans in the book.
Whether you are a new beekeeper or a seasoned ol’timer, Building Beehives for Dummies provides you with the information you need to plan and succeed at building beehives (and other cool accessories). You'll discover what type of hive to build, hints on how to maintain your equipment, what bees need to stay happy and healthy, where to locate your hive, and much more.
.Covers 'bee space,' the critical technical measurement within a beehive that's crucial for easy inspection of your colonies
.Offers guidance on keeping both urban and suburban neighbors happy, getting proper permissions, and understanding regional laws and regulations
.Provides creative ideas for dressing up hives for fun and profit
In today’s world of self-sufficiency, back-to-basics and sustainability, building beehives is a fun hobby that both you and your bees will appreciate and benefit from.
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- What You’re Not to Read
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1 The Buzz on Beehives
- Chapter 1 Getting Sweet on Building Your Own Beehives
- Chapter 2 Comb Sweet Comb: Beehive Basics
- Chapter 3 Gathering Basic Tools and Materials
- Chapter 4 Fine-Tuning Your Carpentry Skills
- Part 2 The World’s Most Popular Beehive Designs
- Chapter 5 The Kenya Top Bar Hive
- Chapter 6 The Five-Frame Nuc Hive
- Chapter 7 The Four-Frame Observation Hive
- Chapter 8 The Warré Hive
- Chapter 9 The British National Hive
- Chapter 10 The Langstroth Hive
- Part 3 Sweet Beehive Accessories
- Chapter 11 The Frame Jig
- Chapter 12 The Double Screened Inner Cover
- Chapter 13 The Elevated Hive Stand
- Chapter 14 The IPM Screened Bottom Board
- Chapter 15 The Hive-Top Feeder
- Chapter 16 The Solar Wax Melter
- Chapter 17 Langstroth Frames
- Part 4 The Part of Tens
- Chapter 18 Ten (Or So) Tips for Extending the Life of Your Equipment
- Chapter 19 Ten (Or So) Ways to Trick Out Your Hives
- Chapter 20 Ten Fun Facts about Beehives
- Index