

This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-four titles published for 2017 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2017 is “Ancient Enmity”. IPNHK is one of the most influential international poetry events in Asia. From 22–26 November 2017, over 20 invited poets from various countries will be in Hong Kong to read their works based on the theme “Ancient Enmity.” Included in the anthology and box set, these unique works are presented with Chinese and English translations in bilingual or trilingual formats.

安雅‧烏德勒Anja Utler
1973年生於施萬多夫,現往返於維也納、布拉格和雷根斯堡三地。她在維也納應用藝術大學教詩歌,她的丈夫在布拉格,她的書在雷根斯堡。2003年她在雷根斯堡大學取得博士學位,研究題目為俄國現代主義詩歌。2003年詩集münden – entzüngeln贏得Leonce-und-Lena-Preis詩歌獎。英譯詩集engulf – enkindle入選2012年最佳翻譯書獎決選名單。她最近的著作ausgeübt. Eine Kurskorrektur探討與生態學有關的政治議題,該書獲得2014年巴塞爾詩歌獎。2014年參加愛荷華大學國際寫作計劃。2015年春天在美國俄亥俄州歐柏林學院任駐校德語作家。烏德勒的詩集brinnen(2006)和jana vermacht(2009)都以書籍和聲音檔案兩種形式出版,後者更改變成裝置藝術展覽。

(Germany 德國)
Anja Utler was born in Schwandorf in 1973, and currently shuttles between Vienna, where she teaches poetry at the University of Applied Arts, Prague, where her husband lives, and Regensburg, where her books are. In 2003 she received her PhD at the University of Regensburg with a dissertation on Russian Modernist poetry. Her poetry collection münden – entzüngeln won the coveted 'Leonce-und-Lena-Preis' for Poetry in 2003. The American translation by Kurt Beals, engulf – enkindle, was a Best Translated Book Award finalist in 2012. For her innovative poetic exploration of political issues such as ecology in her latest book ausgeübt. Eine Kurskorrektur, she was awarded with the 'Basler Lyrikpreis' (Basel Poetry Prize) in 2014. She is Honorary Fellow of the International Writing Program of the University of Iowa (IWP '14), and in spring 2015, she was German Writer in Residence at Oberlin College, Ohio. Utler's works explore the impact of different media and modes of perception on the experience of a text: her works brinnen (2006) and jana, vermacht (2009) were both published in print and audio formats; jana, vermacht was also transformed into an installation for an exhibition. Poems by Anja Utler have been translated into numerous languages.

  • entgegen zu stehen: eine verflechtung in neun teilen 逆流而行:連環九部曲 Counter Position: An Interweavement in Nine Parts(第8頁)
  • marsyas, umkreist 被包圍的瑪敘阿斯 Marsyas, Encircled(第35頁)
  • sibylle – gedicht in acht silben 女預言師 — 一首八節的詩歌 Sibyl — Poem in Eight Syllables(第56頁)
  • für daphne: geklagt 為達芬妮:哭號 For Daphne: Lamented(第65頁)
紙本書 NT$ 168
NT$ 118

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