

This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-four titles published for 2017 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2017 is “Ancient Enmity”. IPNHK is one of the most influential international poetry events in Asia. From 22–26 November 2017, over 20 invited poets from various countries will be in Hong Kong to read their works based on the theme “Ancient Enmity.” Included in the anthology and box set, these unique works are presented with Chinese and English translations in bilingual or trilingual formats.

當代澳洲著名詩人、散文家,在澳洲各地學校教寫作,參加過澳洲、美國和英國等地的文學節。曾獲Montreal詩歌獎、Cardiff詩歌獎、Blake詩歌獎、Newcastle詩歌獎、Calibre散文獎。兩次獲頒澳洲國內的州長文學獎。他所著的地景回憶錄The Blue Plateau入選澳洲總理文學獎。2016年獲ACU詩歌獎;2017年獲Ron Pretty詩歌獎。

(Australia 澳洲)
Mark Tredinnick is a celebrated poet, essayist, and writing teacher. His honours include the Montreal and Cardiff Poetry Prizes, The Blake and Newcastle Poetry Prizes, two Premiers’ Literature Awards, and the Calibre Essay Prize. The Blue Plateau, his landscape memoir, shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Prize. He travels and teaches widely, in schools and at festivals, through Australia and in the US and UK. In 2016 his poem “The Horse” won the ACU Poetry Prize; in March 2017, his poem “Panic Very Softly, Love” won the Ron Pretty Poetry Prize.

  • Egret in a Ploughed Field(第8頁)
  • 犁田白鷺(第10頁)
  • Catullus, at dusk, / heartbroken and lustful, tries / his hand at haiku(第12頁)
  • 卡圖魯斯,黃昏 / 心碎了,色心起 / 生手寫俳句(第13頁)
  • House of Thieves(第14頁)
  • 賊窩(第15頁)
  • The Kingfisher(第16頁)
  • 藍翠鳥(第17頁)
  • Lotus Pond(第18頁)
  • 荷塘(第20頁)
  • Wrack(第22頁)
  • 失事(第23頁)
  • Your Skin(第24頁)
  • 愛的肌膚(第28頁)
  • The Ugly(第31頁)
  • 醜陋(第35頁)
  • Lucy and the Tree(第39頁)
  • 露絲與樹(第40頁)
  • The Horse(第42頁)
  • 馬(第46頁)
  • When the Panic(第50頁)
  • 恐慌之時(第52頁)
紙本書 NT$ 168
NT$ 118

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