

This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-four titles published for 2017 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2017 is “Ancient Enmity”. IPNHK is one of the most influential international poetry events in Asia. From 22–26 November 2017, over 20 invited poets from various countries will be in Hong Kong to read their works based on the theme “Ancient Enmity.” Included in the anthology and box set, these unique works are presented with Chinese and English translations in bilingual or trilingual formats.

約翰.伯恩塞John Burnside
約翰.伯恩塞(英國),聖安德魯斯大學創意寫作教授,蘇格蘭重要的當代作家,著有多本詩集、小說集和回憶錄。他的第一本詩集The Hoop(1988)獲蘇格蘭藝術委員會書獎,Feast Days(1992)獲Geoffrey Faber紀念獎,The Asylum Dance(2000)獲Whitbread詩歌獎。2012年憑詩集Black Cat Bone獲T.S. Eliot詩歌獎和Forward年度詩集獎。2017年發表小說Ashland & Vine及詩集Still Life with Feeding Snake。

(UK 英國)
John Burnside is Professor in Creative Writing at St Andrews University. His prizewinning poetry collections include The Hoop (1988), winner of Sccottish Arts Council Book Award, Feast Days (1992), winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, and The Asylum Dance (2000), winner of the Whitbread Poetry Award. His Black Cat Bone won both the Forward Poetry Prize (Best Poetry Collection of the Year) and the T.S. Eliot prizes in 2012. His most recent novel, Ashland & Vine (Jonathan Cape, 2017) was published alongside a new collection of poetry, Still Life with Feeding Snake, in February 2017.

  • An Essay on Mourning 哀悼隨筆(第8頁)
紙本書 NT$ 168
NT$ 118

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