- 序言(劉紹銘)(第vii頁)
- 緒論(張南峰、陳德鴻)(第ix頁)
- 1 John Dryden "On Translation"(第1頁)
- 語文學派(第1頁)
- 一、論翻譯(德萊頓著、張宜鈞譯)(第1頁)
- 二、論翻譯原則(泰特勒著、潘慧儀譯)(第9頁)
- 2 Alexander Tytler Excerpts from Essays on the Principles of Translation(第9頁)
- 3 Friedrich Schleiermacher "On the Different Methods of Translating"(第19頁)
- 詮釋學派(第19頁)
- 三、論翻譯的方法(施萊爾瑪赫著、伍志雄譯)(第19頁)
- 四、詮釋的運作(斯坦納著、陳德鴻譯)(第29頁)
- 4 George Steiner "The Hermeneutic Motion," in After Babel(第29頁)
- 5 Eugene A. Nida "Principles of Correspondence," in Toward a Science of Translating(第39頁)
- 語言學派(第39頁)
- 五、形式對等與靈活對等(奈達著、區劍龍譯)(第39頁)
- 六、語言功能與翻譯方法(紐馬克著、魏元良譯)(第53頁)
- 6 Peter Newmark Chapters 4 and 5 of A Textbook of Translation(第53頁)
- 7 Hans. J. Vermeer "Skopos and Commission in Translational Action," in Readings in Translation Theory(第67頁)
- 目的學派(第67頁)
- 七、翻譯行動的目的與任務(弗美爾著、黃燕堃譯)(第67頁)
- 八、翻譯為本語篇分析模式(諾德著、陳潔瑩譯)(第85頁)
- 8 Christiane Nord "A Model for Translation-Oriented Text Analysis," in Text Analysis in Translation(第85頁)
- 9 James Holmes "The Name and Nature of Translation Studies," in Translated!(第101頁)
- 文化學派(第101頁)
- 九、翻譯學的性質(霍姆斯著、何偉傑譯)(第101頁)
- 十、翻譯文學在文學多元系統中的位置(埃文──佐哈爾著、莊柔玉譯)(第115頁)
- 十一、文學翻譯規範的本質和功用(圖里著、翁均志譯)(第125頁)
- 十二、翻譯學中的轉移、對立和目標──概念譜系探索(朗貝爾著、張曼儀譯)(第141頁)
- 十三、翻譯──跨文化活動(斯內爾──霍恩比著、陳萬成譯)(第153頁)
- 十四、翻譯的策略──救生索、鼻子、把手、腿(勒菲弗爾著、謝聰譯)(第175頁)
- 十五、從比較文學到翻譯學(巴斯內特著、張南峰譯)(第185頁)
- 10 ltamar Even-Zohar "The Position of Translated Literature within the Literary Polysystem"(第115頁)
- 11 Gideon Toury "The Nature and Role of Norms in Literary Translation," in Literature and Translation(第125頁)
- 12 José Lambert "Shifts, Oppositions and Goals in Translation Studies," in Translation Studies: The State of the Art(第141頁)
- 13 Mary Snell-Hornby "Translation as a Cross-Cultural Event," in Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach(第153頁)
- 14 André Lefevere "Translation: The Categories," in Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame(第175頁)
- 15 Susan Bassnett "From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies," in Comparative Literature(第185頁)
- 16 Walter Benjamin "The Task of the Translator," in Illuminations(第197頁)
- 解構學派(第197頁)
- 十六、譯者的任務(本雅明著、張旭東譯)(第197頁)
- 十七、巴別通天塔(德里達著、黃國彬譯)(第211頁)
- 十八、評本雅明的〈譯者的任務〉(德曼著、商承禹譯)(第225頁)
- 十九、《翻譯再思》前言(文努迪著、吳兆朋譯)(第235頁)
- 二十、翻譯本是「神來之筆」──勘破翻譯理論的神話(歐陽楨著、何冠驥譯)(第255頁)
- 17 Jacques Derrida "Des Tours de Babel," in Difference in Translation(第211頁)
- 18 Paul de Man "Conclusions: Walter Benjamin's 'The Task of the Translator'," in The Resistance to Theory(第225頁)
- 19 Lawrence Venuti "Introduction," in Rethinking Translation(第235頁)
- 20 Eugene Eoyang "The Myths of Theory," in The Transparent Eye(第255頁)
- 譯者簡介(第271頁)
- 鳴謝(第277頁)
- Bibliographic details(第277頁)
- 人名索引(第281頁)
紙本書 NT$ 357