Linguistics For Dummies
- 作者: by Rose-Marie Dechaine, Strang Burton, Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson
- 出版社:John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
- 出版年:2012
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- ISBN:9781118091692; 9781118101599
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:388
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics students study how languages are constructed, how they function, how they affect society, and how humans learn language. From understanding other languages to teaching computers to communicate, linguistics plays a vital role in society. A strong addition to our successful education category, Linguistics For Dummies follows a typical introductory linguistics class at the college level.
- Introduction(第1頁)
- About This Book(第2頁)
- Conventions Used in This Book(第2頁)
- What You’re Not to Read(第3頁)
- Foolish Assumptions(第3頁)
- How This Book Is Organized(第3頁)
- Icons Used in This Book(第5頁)
- Where to Go from Here(第6頁)
- Part I: Looking at Language through the Lens of Linguistics(第7頁)
- Chapter 1: Knowing a Language Versus Knowing What Language Is(第9頁)
- Chapter 2: Communicating with Language: The Design Features(第21頁)
- Part II: The Building Blocks of Language(第33頁)
- Chapter 3: Building Sounds: Phonetics(第35頁)
- Chapter 4: Putting Sounds Together: Phonology(第57頁)
- Chapter 5: Building Words: Morphology(第77頁)
- Chapter 6: Creating Sentences: Syntax(第95頁)
- Chapter 7: Making Sense of Meaning: Semantics(第117頁)
- Chapter 8: Using Language in Conversation: Pragmatics(第133頁)
- Part III: The Social Life of Language(第151頁)
- Chapter 9: Living with Language Variation: Sociolinguistics(第153頁)
- Chapter 10: Finding Family Relations: Historical Linguistics(第171頁)
- Chapter 11: Cataloguing Differences: Linguistic Typology(第189頁)
- Chapter 12: Beginning and Ending: Language Birth and Language Death(第205頁)
- Part IV: Your Brain on Language: Learning and Processing Language(第221頁)
- Chapter 13: Learning Language(第223頁)
- Chapter 14: Perceiving Language(第245頁)
- Chapter 15: Producing Language(第259頁)
- Chapter 16: Locating Language in the Brain: Neurolinguistics(第277頁)
- Part V: Getting from Speaking to Writing(第293頁)
- Chapter 17: Writing Down Language(第295頁)
- Chapter 18: Writing Changes You(第307頁)
- Part VI: The Part of Tens(第321頁)
- Chapter 19: Ten Myths about Language Busted by Linguistics(第323頁)
- Chapter 20: Ten Unsolved Problems in Linguistics(第331頁)
- Chapter 21: Top 10 Jobs for Linguists(第337頁)
- Index(第343頁)
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