  • 愈吃愈瘦:2:5輕斷食營養食譜98道
  • 點閱:859
  • 作者: 黃榮俊著
  • 出版社:明窗出版 明報發行
  • 出版年:2015
  • ISBN:9789888288991
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 附註:中英對照
租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-10-28




平時喜歡煮食和傳授營養心得,也跟不少女士一樣愛吃但怕變胖,經常「揀飲擇食」和「講飲講食」。自小已是四眼大肥仔一名,一次意外改變了一生,減去40磅的肥肉,在這16年來均能保持適中身形,亦因此愛上幫別人減肥。面對港式飲食,懂得以港式風格拆除炸彈,是土生土長的營養Keep Fit專家。

  • 第一章 你不是天生發胖而是愈減愈胖(第9頁)
  • 第二章 輕減肥重點不要捱餓(第13頁)
  • 第三章 自製簡易減肥餐(第21頁)
  • 第四章 營養師親自研監 98 個營養食譜(第25頁)
  • 小吃類 Snack(第26頁)
    • 1. 吞拿魚雞蛋一口餅 Mini Tuna Fish Cake with Egg(第26頁)
    • 2. 果醬泡泡餅 Black Berries Jam in Bubble Biscuits(第27頁)
    • 3. 蛋黃豆腐煎餅 Egg and Tofu Pancake(第28頁)
    • 4. 碎牛肉餃子 Ground Beef Dumpling(第29頁)
    • 5. 蒸豬肉漢堡包 Steam Pork Burger(第30頁)
    • 6. 蔬菜一口餅 Vegetable Paste in a Bite(第31頁)
    • 7. 番茄芝士燕麥軟包 Oat Bread with Tomato and Cheese(第32頁)
    • 8. 番茄鮮果粟米杯 Fruit Cup with Tomato and Corn(第33頁)
    • 9. 鮮果乳酪方脆片 Yogurt with Fruits and Oatmeal Squares(第34頁)
    • 10. 藍莓燕麥一口班戟 Blueberry and Oatmeal Pancake(第35頁)
    • 11. 蘆筍涼拌苦瓜 Asparagus with Bitter Melon(第36頁)
    • 12. 三色薯粒配三色乳酪醬 Triple Color Potato with Triple Color Yogurt(第37頁)
  • 沙律類 Salad(第38頁)
    • 1. 煙三文魚洋蔥沙律 Smoked Salmon Onion Salad(第38頁)
    • 2. 三文魚雜菜沙律 Salmon Mixed Vegetable Salad(第39頁)
    • 3. 三色甜椒雞肉沙律 Chicken Salad with Sweet Peppers(第40頁)
    • 4. 木瓜蜜瓜沙律 Honeydew Papaya Salad(第41頁)
    • 5. 火龍果菠蘿紅椒沙律 Pitaya Pineapple Salad with Red Pepper(第42頁)
    • 6. 西柚生菜蝦仁沙律 Shrimp Lettuce Salad with Grapefruit(第43頁)
    • 7. 杧果奇異果鴨胸沙律 Mango Kiwi Salad with Duck Breast(第44頁)
    • 8. 豆苗吞拿魚沙律 Medicago Tuna Salad(第45頁)
    • 9. 青瓜魷魚沙律青 Cucumber Squid Salad(第46頁)
    • 10. 南瓜番茄沙律 Pumpkin and Cherry Tomato Salad(第47頁)
    • 11. 哈蜜瓜蘋果雞肉沙律 Apple Chicken Salad with Melon(第48頁)
    • 12. 烤雞西芹紅椒沙律 Grilled Chicken Salad with Celery and Red Pepper(第49頁)
    • 13. 番薯南瓜籽沙律 Sweet Potato Pumpkin Seed Salad(第50頁)
    • 14. 蟹肉蘆筍香菇沙律 Crabmeat Asparagus Mushroom Salad(第51頁)
    • 15. 蘆筍紅菜頭沙律 Asparagus Beet Salad(第52頁)
    • 16. 豆腐黑木耳沙律 Tofu Black Fungus Salad(第53頁)
  • 主餐類 Main Dish(第54頁)
    • 1. 日式茶杯海鮮蒸蛋 Steamed Cup Egg in Japanese Style(第54頁)
    • 2. 牛柳雞肉鮮蔬串燒 Skewer with Chicken, Beef Tenderloin and Assorted Vegetables(第55頁)
    • 3. 肉粒葵瓜子蛋絲炒糙米飯 Fried Brown Rice with Pork, Sunflower Seeds, Shredded Egg and Assorted Vegetables(第56頁)
    • 4. 肉碎黃金豆腐 Tofu Ball with Minced Pork and Egg(第57頁)
    • 5. 西芹雲耳炒雞柳 Pan Fried Chicken Tenderloin with Celery and Fungus(第58頁)
    • 6. 西蘭花豬柳粟米糙米飯 Brown Rice with Pork, Broccoli and Sweet Corns(第59頁)
    • 7. 杞子黑木耳雞柳紅米煲仔飯 Steamed Red Rice with Chicken, Black Fungus and Goji with in Pot(第60頁)
    • 8. 芥蘭啤梨豬肉雲吞 Wontons Stuffed with Pork, Garl and and Pear(第61頁)
    • 9. 金菇茄子牛肉卷 Enoki Mushroom and Eggplant in Rolled Beef(第62頁)
    • 10. 紅椒鮮菌炒雞柳 Chicken Tenderloin Stir-fried with Red Peppers and Abalone Mushrooms(第63頁)
    • 11. 苦瓜鮮蘆筍炒蛋 Bitter Melon Asparagus with Scrambled Egg(第64頁)
    • 12. 香炒蘆筍雞柳配芥末蜜糖醬 Sautee Chicken with Carrot and Asparagusin Honey Mustard Sauce(第65頁)
    • 13. 香草茶樹菇炒牛肉 Fried Sliced Beef with Tea Tree Mushroomsin Herbs(第66頁)
    • 14. 香草黃椒蜆肉伴煙三文魚 Salmon Fish with Yellow Bell Pepper and Clams in Herbs(第67頁)
    • 15. 香辣雞扒炒青椒 Stir- Fried Spicy Chicken Tenderloin with Green Pepper(第68頁)
    • 16. 雙筍炒鮮菇素雞 Assorted Vegetables Fried with Mushrooms and Vegetarian Meat(第69頁)
    • 17. 清炒帶子馬蹄西蘭花 Fried Scallop with Broccoli and Water Chestnut(第70頁)
    • 18. 蛋香粟米豆腐釀青椒 Green Bell Pepper Stuffed with Tofu, Egg and Sweet Corn(第71頁)
    • 19. 粟米燕麥蛋花扒魚柳 Fish Fillet Cooked with Corn, Oatmeal and Egg(第72頁)
    • 20. 菠蘿番茄炒魚鬆 Minced Fish Fried with Pineapple and Tomato in Soy Sauce(第73頁)
    • 21. 豬肉芥蘭粒煮豆腐 Minced Pork and Diced Garl and Cooked with Tofu(第74頁)
    • 22. 粟米馬蹄肉餅糙米煲仔飯 Steamed Brown Rice with Tomato, Corn and Minced Pork in Pot(第75頁)
    • 23. 鮮茄豬柳炒秀珍菇 Fried Pork Fillets with Oyster Mushroom and Tomato(第76頁)
    • 24. 雙瓜紅白天使炒肉片 Assorted Cucumber and Vegetables Fried with Sliced Pork(第77頁)
    • 25. 雙菇蘆筍炒苦瓜牛肉絲 Stirfried Beef with Balsampear, Mushroom, Enoki and Asparagus(第78頁)
    • 26. 雞扒清炒三筍鮮菇 Chicken Tenderlo in Fried with Assorted Vegetables and Straw Mushrooms(第79頁)
    • 27. 苦瓜椰菜洋蔥炒龍脷柳 Panfried Catfish with Balsam Pear, Cabbage, and Onion(第80頁)
  • 湯水類 Soup(第81頁)
    • 1. 豆腐木耳圓肉瘦肉湯 Chinese Pork Soup with Tofu, Edible Tree Fungus and Dried Longan(第81頁)
    • 2. 南瓜帶子西蘭花濃湯 Pumpk in Broccoli Soup with Scallops(第82頁)
    • 3. 紅菜頭雜菜湯 Beetroot & Mixed Vegetables Soup(第83頁)
    • 4. 紅蘿蔔節瓜豬?湯 Carrot Hairy Melon Pork Hock Soup(第84頁)
    • 5. 栗子合桃排骨湯 Chestnut Walnut Soup with Pork(第85頁)
    • 6. 雪耳雪梨瘦肉清湯 Snow Fungus Pear and Lean Pork Broth(第86頁)
    • 7. 節瓜合桃雙菇瘦肉湯 Soup with Pork, Hairy Melon, Walnut and Twin Mushrooms(第87頁)
  • 甜品類 Dessert(第88頁)
    • 1. 手指餅木糠布甸 Pudding with Mashed Finger Biscuit(第88頁)
    • 2. 火龍果西米露 Pitaya Sago Cream(第89頁)
    • 3. 西洋參綠茶奶凍 American Ginseng Green Tea Panna Cotta(第90頁)
    • 4. 奇異果豆腐西米凍 Sago with Assorted Fruits and Tofu(第91頁)
    • 5. 果汁乳酪冰 Fruit Juice Ice Cream(第92頁)
    • 6. 玫瑰綠茶凍 Rosy Green Tea Jelly(第93頁)
    • 7. 杧果布甸 Mango Pudding(第94頁)
    • 8. 紅棗雙瓜雪耳糖水 Red Date Snow Fungus Sweet Soap with Pumpk in and Papaya(第95頁)
    • 9. 紅菜頭百合糊 Beet Root and Lily Bulb Paste(第96頁)
    • 10. 黑芝麻紫薯布丁 Black Sesame Purple Potato Pudding(第97頁)
    • 11. 蒸鮮奶雞蛋布丁 Steam Milk Egg Pudding(第98頁)
    • 12. 杞子南瓜糕 Wolfberry Pumpkin Cake(第99頁)
  • 蔬果汁 Juice(第100頁)
    • 1. 木瓜黃椒豆奶昔 Papaya and Yellow Pepper Soy Milk Shake(第100頁)
    • 2. 火龍果香蕉奶昔 Pitaya and Banana Milk Shake(第101頁)
    • 3. 牛油果香蕉奶昔 Avocado Banana Milk Shake(第102頁)
    • 4. 西芹番茄菠蘿汁 Celery, Tomato and Pineapple Juice(第103頁)
    • 5. 亞麻籽士多啤梨特飲 Flaxseed Strawberry Yogurt Drink(第104頁)
    • 6. 奇異果豆奶昔 Kiwi Soy Milk Shake(第105頁)
    • 7. 青瓜奇異果奶昔 Cucumber Kiwi Milk Shake(第106頁)
    • 8. 青瓜菠蘿奇果籽汁 Cucumber, Pineapple Juice with Psyllium(第107頁)
    • 9. 紅菜頭蘋果汁 Apple and Beet Juice(第108頁)
    • 10. 紅蘿蔔西蘭花汁 Carrot and Broccoli Vegetable Juice(第109頁)
    • 11. 紅蘿蔔檸檬鮮橙果汁 Carrot Lemon Orange Juice Mix(第110頁)
    • 12. 胚芽香橙西柚汁 Malt, Orange and Grapefruit Juice(第111頁)
    • 13. 苦瓜蘋果蜜蜂汁 Balsam Pear, Apple and Honey Juice(第112頁)
    • 14. 梨子香橙番茄汁 Pear, Orange and Tomato Juice(第113頁)
    • 15. 梨子蘋果蔬菜汁 Pear and Apple Vegetable Juice Mix(第114頁)
    • 16. 西芹蘋果汁 Apple Celery Juice(第115頁)
    • 17. 菠蘿黃橙椒薑汁 Pineapple, Yellow Orange Pepper Ginger Juice(第116頁)
    • 18. 黑芝麻香蕉奶昔 Black Sesame Banana Milk Shake(第117頁)
    • 19. 蜜瓜西芹汁 Honey Melon and Celery Juice(第118頁)
    • 20. 蜜瓜青椒奶昔 Honey Melon, Green Pepper Milk Shake(第119頁)
    • 21. 番茄西瓜汁 Tomato and Water Melon Juice(第120頁)
    • 22. 藍莓燕麥豆奶昔 Blueberry, Oatmeal Soy Milk Shake(第121頁)
    • 23. 蘋果紅蘿蔔薑汁 Apple, Carrot and Ginger Juice(第122頁)
    • 24. 蘋果椰菜汁 Apple and Cabbage Juice(第123頁)
  • 第五章你要知道的燒脂營養素(第125頁)
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