- 並列題名:Taste of home by Mrs Lisa Fong
- 作者: 方任利莎著 , Ng Swee Lian翻譯
- 出版社:明窗出版 明報發行
- 出版年:2017
- ISBN:9789888338900
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:132
- 附註:中英對照
方太出版食譜迄今已逾三十個年頭,食譜數量接近一百種,菜式種類繁多。方太掌「家廚」經驗豐富,又曾正式拜師學藝,加上逾三十年的教授心得,很能理解「生手」主婦經常遇到的入廚問題,以及「經驗」主婦常有的配搭問題,編寫食譜及示範講解烹調時,往往能指出各種烹調方法的訣竅,使主婦在烹調時更得心應手。 雖然現在讀者多了外出進餐的機會,但家中煮食總是美味、健康的首選。以新鮮的食材、簡單的烹調方式詮釋最家常的好味道,方太與你分享她的廚房心得與生活智慧。這本食譜用了健康、簡單、易學的方法,並為大家帶來「家」的味道。
- 序 Foreword(第2頁)
- 菜餚趣事 Food Stories(第6頁)
- 白娘娘與小青 Madame White and Xiaoqing(第6頁)
- 魚香的來由 The Origin of " Fish-fragrant " Dishes(第7頁)
- 烹調技巧 Cooking Skills(第8頁)
- 湯羹 Clear and Thick Soup(第13頁)
- 紅白酸辣湯 Sour and Spicy Pig's Blood and Bean Curd Soup(第14頁)
- 冬蓉羹 Winter Melon Thick Soup(第16頁)
- 醋椒魚湯 Vinegar Pepper Fish Soup(第18頁)
- 哈密瓜清潤湯 Hami Melon Soup(第20頁)
- 火腿瑤柱節瓜盅 Steamed Hairy Gourd Soup with Dried Scallops and Ham(第22頁)
- 要米豬橫脷湯 Sweet Corn and Pig's Pancreas Soup(第24頁)
- 海鮮 Seafood(第27頁)
- 粉皮煮魚 Fish with Bean Jelly(第28頁)
- 味醬煮烏頭魚 Miso Grey Mullet(第30頁)
- 阿婆拉纜 Old Lady Pulling the Rope(第32頁)
- 鮮蝦粉絲煮節瓜 Hairy Gourd with Vermicelli and Prawn(第34頁)
- 腩肉爛青蠔 Braised Pork Belly with Mussel(第36頁)
- 鹹三文魚蒸鮮魚 Steamed Salted Salmon with Fresh Fish(第38頁)
- 紅糟扣白鱔 Wine Lees Steamed White Eel(第40頁)
- 芝麻魚 Sesame Fish(第42頁)
- 蜜糖豆炒鮮魷 Stir-fried Sugar Snap Pea with Squid(第44頁)
- 椒汁帶子蒸勝瓜 Steamed Angled Loofah and Scallop with Bell Pepper and Bean Sauce(第46頁)
- 酒釀乾燒大蝦 Big Prawns with Wine Sauce(第48頁)
- 椒鹽生蠔 Pepper Salt Oysters(第50頁)
- 生炒鱔絲 Stir-fried Shredded Eel with Chive(第52頁)
- 糖醋桂花魚 Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish(第54頁)
- 鮮鮑燜燒腩 Braised Fresh Abalone and Roast Pork(第56頁)
- 家禽 • 肉類 Poultry • Meat(第59頁)
- 竹葉青醉雞翼 Bamboo Leaf Liquor Chicken Wings(第60頁)
- 簡易脆皮鹽焗雞 Crispy Skin Salt Baked Chicken(第62頁)
- 京蔥燜鴨 Spring Onion Braised Duck(第64頁)
- 五柳手撕雞 Hand Shredded Chicken with Wu Liu Mix(第66頁)
- 炒粒粒 Assorted Diced Ingredients Stir-fry(第68頁)
- 菜脯芽菜鬆 Minced Pork with Preserved Radish and Soy Sprout(第70頁)
- 豆腐獅子頭 Bean Curd Minced Pork Balls(第72頁)
- 甜梅菜燜排骨 Braised Pork Rib with Sweet Preserved Vegetable(第74頁)
- 咕嚕涼瓜排骨 Sweet and Sour Bitter Melon and Pork Rib(第76頁)
- 冬菜鮮牛肉餅 Preserved Vegetable Minced Beef Patty(第78頁)
- 棒打牛魔王 Stir-fried String Bean with Beef(第82頁)
- 鼓椒炒牛? Beef and Bell Pepper with Preserve Black Bean(第84頁)
- 咖喱大脷 Curry Pig's Tongue(第86頁)
- 西梅蜜汁火腿 Syrupy Ham and Dried Plum(第88頁)
- 蔬菜 • 豆品 Vegetables • Beans(第91頁)
- 白娘娘與小青 Madame White and Xiao Qing(第92頁)
- 杞子拌涼瓜 Bitter Melon and Chinese Wolfberry(第94頁)
- 青紅椒炒茭白 Stir-fried Water Bamboo Shoot with Bell Pepper(第96頁)
- 三寶娃娃菜 Tri-Treasure Chinese Cabbage(第98頁)
- 生煎蓮藕餅 Pan-fried Lotus Root Patties(第100頁)
- 花菇大芥菜 Shiitake Mushroom and Mustard Green(第102頁)
- 香荽辣豆腐 Spicy Bean Curd with Coriander(第104頁)
- 三素家鄉豆腐 Vegetarian Bean Curd Hornetown Style(第106頁)
- 三皇豆腐 Tri-Egg Steamed Bean Curd(第108頁)
- 魚蓉琵琶豆腐 Steamed Mashed Bean Curd and Fish Paste(第110頁)
- 芙蓉雪蛤膏 Hasma Foo Yong Egg(第112頁)
- 冬菇燜生筋 Braised Chinese Mushroom and Gluten Ball(第114頁)
- 小食 • 甜品 Snacks • Desserts(第117頁)
- 韭黃肉餡餅 Yellow Chive Meat Pies(第118頁)
- 上海菜肉雲吞 Shanghai Wonton(第120頁)
- 紅豆合桃露 Red Bean Walnut Sweet Soup(第122頁)
- 雜果杏仁豆腐 Fruit Cocktail Almond Jelly(第124頁)
- 後記 Postscript(第126頁)
紙本書 NT$ 412