Baby Massage For Dummies
- 點閱:3
- 作者: by Joanne Bagshaw, Ilene Fox
- 出版社:Wiley Publishing, Inc.
- 出版年:2005
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- ISBN:9780764578410; 9780471751045
- 格式:PDF,JPG
Baby Massage For Dummies offers parents and caregivers safe and easy-to-learn massage techniques and routines that reinforce bonding and all-around well being. Step-by-step instructions along with photos and illustrations show simple methods to help settle babies to sleep, alleviate disruptive crying, and ease the pain of common ailments such as colic, teething, and gastrointestinal upsets. Baby Massage For Dummies offers techniques to help enhance babies' and toddler's brain development, encouraging brighter and happier children. Baby Massage For Dummies also provides parents with a variety of massage movements from head to toe that evolve into gentle exercises for flexibility and strength. Readers will discover how these routines can be easily incorporated into everyday care, bath time and bedtime.
- Introduction(第1頁)
- About This Book(第1頁)
- How To Use this Book(第2頁)
- How this Book Is Organized(第2頁)
- Icons Used in this Book(第3頁)
- Part I: Nothing Quite Like Touch(第5頁)
- Chapter 1: Welcoming Your Baby into the Wonderful World of Massage(第7頁)
- Chapter 2: Understanding the Benefits of Baby Massage(第19頁)
- Chapter 3: Getting to Know Your Baby Better(第31頁)
- Chapter 4: Preparing for the Big Massage(第45頁)
- Part II: Different Strokes for Different Folks: Massaging Baby(第61頁)
- Chapter 5: Massaging the Front Side(第63頁)
- Chapter 6: Massaging the Face and Neck(第87頁)
- Chapter 7: Massaging the Back Side(第107頁)
- Part III: Making Massage Part of Your Baby’s Life(第129頁)
- Chapter 8: Preemies and Newborns(第131頁)
- Chapter 9: Older Babies and Toddlers(第145頁)
- Chapter 10: Fitting Massage into Nap, Bath, and Diaper Time(第159頁)
- Part IV: Easing Health Problems with Massage(第177頁)
- Chapter 11: Massage for Common Ailments and Problems(第179頁)
- Chapter 12: Massage for Emotional and Developmental Issues(第199頁)
- Chapter 13: Massage for High Risk Babies(第219頁)
- Part V: The Part of Tens(第239頁)
- Chapter 14: (Almost) Ten Special Techniques(第241頁)
- Chapter 15: Ten Great Massage Resources(第247頁)
- Index(第251頁)