eBay.co.uk For Dummies
- 點閱:4
- 作者: by Marsha Collier, Jane Hoskyn, Steve Hill
- 出版社:John Wiley & Sons
- 出版年:2012
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- ISBN:9781119941224; 9781119943907
- 格式:PDF,JPG
Buy and sell on eBay.co.uk with confidence. Whether you're browsing, buying, selling or starting an eBay business, this friendly guide helps you to get the most out of ebay.co.uk. Fully up-to-date and packed with information on every aspect of the site, from using the latest security measures and avoiding scams to making serious money on eBay, this book takes you from beginner to pro in easy-to-follow steps.
- Introduction(第1頁)
- About This Book(第2頁)
- Foolish Assumptions(第2頁)
- How This Book Is Organised(第3頁)
- Icons Used in This Book(第5頁)
- What Now?(第5頁)
- Feedback, Please(第6頁)
- Part I: Forget the Shops: Getting a Feel for eBay(第7頁)
- Chapter 1: Why eBay Is a Great Place to Buy and Sell(第9頁)
- Chapter 2: Getting on the Gravy Train: Joining eBay(第19頁)
- Chapter 3: Home Page Sweet Home Page(第31頁)
- Chapter 4: My Own Private eBay(第45頁)
- Part II: Are You Buying What They’re Selling?(第67頁)
- Chapter 5: Seek and Ye Shall Find: Research(第69頁)
- Chapter 6: Shopping on eBay: The Basics(第89頁)
- Chapter 7: Power-Bidding Strategies(第113頁)
- Chatper 8: After You’ve Bought the Goods(第125頁)
- Part III: Are You Selling What They’re Buying?(第137頁)
- Chapter 9: Selling in Your Dressing Gown for Fun and Profit(第139頁)
- Chapter 10: Time to Sell: Completing the Cyber Paperwork(第163頁)
- Chapter 11: Hitting the eBay Shops(第183頁)
- Chapter 12: Closing the Deal and Getting It Delivered(第191頁)
- Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Your Listing(第211頁)
- Chapter 14: Using Pictures and Strategies to Increase Your Profits(第229頁)
- Chapter 15: Making Serious Money Selling on eBay(第247頁)
- Chapter 16: Building an eBay Empire(第263頁)
- Part IV: Bells and Whistles: Special Features(第279頁)
- Chapter 17: Staying Safe on eBay(第281頁)
- Chapter 18: The eBay Community: Getting Along with Other eBay Members(第303頁)
- Chapter 19: Fun Stuff and Features(第317頁)
- Part V: The Part of Tens(第329頁)
- Chapter 20: Ten (or So) Golden Rules for eBay Buyers and Sellers(第331頁)
- Chapter 21: Ten (or So) Programs and Services to Ease Your Way on eBay(第337頁)
- Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Source Stock You Can Sell on eBay(第343頁)
- Index(第349頁)
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