Russian For Dummies
- 作者: by Andrew Kaufman, Serafima Gettys
- 出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- 出版年:2012
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- ISBN:9781118206393; 9781118127698
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:388
- 附註:本電子書不含光碟資料
Russian For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers new content while preserving the books unique qualities that customers appreciate. This edition features 25 percent new and revised content including: A revamped, user-friendly organization A fully updated and expanded audio CD with real-life conversations by native speakers Expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations and pronunciations A refreshed and expanded mini-dictionary complete with even more essential vocabulary More useful exercises and practice opportunities All new content devoted to the Cyrillic alphabet
- Table of Contents(第ix頁)
- Introduction(第1頁)
- Part I: Getting Started(第7頁)
- Part II: Russian in Action(第117頁)
- Part III: Russian on the Go(第219頁)
- Part IV: The Part of Tens(第289頁)
- Part V: Appendixes(第311頁)
- Index(第345頁)
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