German For Dummies
- 點閱:7
- 作者: by Paulina Christensen, Anne Fox, Wendy Foster
- 出版社:Wiley Publishing, Inc.
- 出版年:2011
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- ISBN:9781118018460; 9780470901014
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:388
- 附註:本電子書不含光碟資料
German For Dummies, 2nd Edition, includes major updates in addition to all the necessary foundational information the For Dummies reader needs in order to start speaking German, including expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations and pronunciations, a refreshed and expanded mini-dictionary complete with even more essential vocabulary, more useful exercises and practice opportunities, and much more.
- Table of Contents(第xi頁)
- Introduction(第1頁)
- Part I: Getting Started(第7頁)
- Part II: German in Action(第81頁)
- Part III: German on the Go(第215頁)
- Part IV: The Part of Tens(第285頁)
- Part V: Appendixes(第301頁)
- Index(第341頁)
紙本書 NT$ 800