Poet, essayist and translator, Olvido García Valdés was born on December 2, 1950 in Asturias, Spain. She holds degrees in philosophy from the University of Valladolid, and Romance philology from the University of Oviedo. She resides in Toledo, Spain.
Her poetry collections, except for her most recent Lo solo del animal (2012), have been published together in one volume titled Esa polilla que delante de mi revolotea (Poesia reunida 1982–2008). She has translated into Spanish Pier Paolo Pasolini’s poetry books, and in collaboration a wide anthology of Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva. She is also author of the biographical essay Teresa de Jesus, texts for art catalogs and numerous works of literary reflection. She was co-editor of the literary magazines Los Infolios and El signo del gorrion. Her poetry has been translated into many languages. Among other awards, in 2007 she was awarded the Premio Nacional de Poesia (National Poetry Prize) for her collection Y todos estabamos vivos (And We Were All Alive).