Getting the most out of Xero in a day for dummies
- 點閱:7
- 作者: by Heather Smith
- 出版社:Wiley Publishing Australia Pty Ltd
- 出版年:2013
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- EISBN:9781118572399 EPUB; 9781118572412 EPDF; 9781118572429 EMOBI
- 格式:PDF,JPG
You’re already familiar with the Xero system and how it feels to be working in the cloud. Now it’s time to expand your knowledge and really get the most out your Xero experience. This In A Day ebook will get you there.
Business decisions aren’t all about data; they’re about gut instinct and courage. But without the data (that you can easily access on the go with your Xero dashboards — on your iPad on a yacht in the Bahamas) you could be making critical decisions blindly. Not only does this ebook help you understand how to generate awesome management information, it also introduces you to tips and tricks that can further assist the processes of your business and provide you with the capacity to grow.
Inside you can take a look at the kinds of useful information you can generate, and how to customise information and reports to your needs. Check out Xero’s online networks and the different add-on solutions available to you and your team. Discover the online networking capabilities of Xero, the cost benefits of using add-ons, and which add-ons might be useful to you and your business. Generate useful information you can use to run your business with Getting the Most Out of Xero In A Day For Dummies.
- Introduction(第1頁)
- What You Can Do In A Day(第1頁)
- Foolish Assumptions(第2頁)
- Icons Used in This Book(第2頁)
- Chapter 1: Analysing Your Business(第5頁)
- Generating Useful Information(第5頁)
- Taking Advantage of Management Reports(第6頁)
- Understanding Xero’s Tracking Options(第8頁)
- Chapter 2: Exploring the Xero Online Network and Add-On Solutions(第19頁)
- Working with Xero to Xero Networks(第20頁)
- Understanding Add-On Solutions(第20頁)
- Getting a Feel for Available Solutions(第21頁)
- Chapter 3: Discovering Xero’s Tips and Tricks(第29頁)
- Invoicing Contact Groups(第29頁)
- Connecting with Contacts via Social Media(第30頁)
- Making Mobile Expense Claims(第31頁)
- Creating and Sending Invoices via Your Mobile Device(第32頁)
- Designing Clear Invoices for a Positive Cash Flow(第33頁)
- Using the Batch Payments Feature(第41頁)
- Creating a Budget(第42頁)
- Using Xero to Set Realistic Targets and Strategies(第44頁)
- Setting KPIs and Rewarding Success(第44頁)
- Chapter 4: Improving Your Cash Flow with Xero(第47頁)
- Reconciling Regularly(第47頁)
- Using the Money Coming In Dashboard(第48頁)
- Customising Invoices(第48頁)
- Engaging with Technology(第49頁)
- Reviewing Your Aged Receivables Report(第49頁)
- Checking Out Your Cash Position Report(第51頁)
- Keeping On Top of Your Outstanding Debts(第51頁)
- Making Use of Statements(第52頁)
- Chapter 5: Achieving Long-Term Success with Xero(第55頁)
- Embracing the Cloud(第55頁)
- Making Use of Networking Technology(第56頁)
- Exporting Data to Create Graphs(第56頁)
- Setting up Bank Rules(第57頁)
- Maintaining Budget Control: Budget Manager(第57頁)
- Keeping Bank Accounts for Business Use(第58頁)
- Embracing Change(第59頁)
- Using Tracking to Sharpen Reporting(第59頁)
- Taking Advantage of Repeating Bills and Invoices(第60頁)
- Collaborating with Your Advisory Team(第60頁)
- Understanding Different Terminology(第60頁)
- Chapter 6: Where to Go from Here(第63頁)
- Finding Out How to Use Xero(第63頁)
- Visit dummies.com(第64頁)
- Say ‘Hello’ to the Xero Community(第64頁)