常春藤解析英語雜誌 [第436期] [有聲書]:The Road to F1 從F4到F1 賽場角逐多激昂
- 作者: 常春藤解析英語雜誌社編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語雜誌社
- 出版年:2024.11
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:92
November 2024
November’s issue of Analytical English features a diverse array of topics, ranging from travel and relaxation to health awareness and even a look at the world of scams. Start your month off right with “Taiwan’s Tropical Paradise of Pingtung,” where you can learn more about Pintung’s unique landscapes and enjoy kayaking in Xiaoliuqiu. Next, learn about the potency of natural compounds in “Becoming Tea Drunk.” Overindulgence can result in light-headedness and giddiness, so beware! If guarding against deception is more your scene, be sure to check out “Falling Victim to a LINE Scam,” and learn about the importance of recognizing possible scams on communication platforms. In “Food for Thought: Is Foodstagramming Healthy?”, you will discover that the habit of photographing meals before eating has a surprising benefit related to taste. Read on to explore these topics and more this November.
- 焦點話題 保命三步驟牢記在心 地牛翻身心不驚(第5頁)
- 詞彙測驗(第6頁)
- 克漏字 Life-Saving Power of Chance Meetings 短暫的相遇 也能是一條救命繩索(第10頁)
- 翻譯(第14頁)
- 文意選填 Taiwan’s Tropical Paradise of Pingtung 陽光灑落指尖 慢遊美麗屏東(第17頁)
- 主題寫作 Choosing the Perfect Venue for a High School Reunion 高中同學會 地點怎麼選?(第21頁)
- 閱讀測驗 African Buffalo: The Democratic Diners 非洲水牛懂投票 牛牛的草原民主(第25頁)
- 篇章結構 Becoming Tea Drunk 喝茶也會醉?(第29頁)
- 新聞英語 Publishing Company Shuts Down 19 Publications amidst an Increase in Paper Mills 論文造假暴增!逾萬篇論文遭撤回(第33頁)
- 科普園地 Scratch That Itch 這裡癢那裡也癢 抓一抓就不癢了嗎?(第36頁)
- 看圖寫作 Falling Victim to a LINE Scam 收到借錢訊息?小心有詐!(第39頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Rose Window of Medieval Europe 璀璨的玫瑰窗:光影映射下的宗教藝術(第42頁)
- 克漏字 Food for Thought: Is Foodstagramming Healthy? 社群狂曬美食照 這樣好嗎?好嗎?(第46頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Hoop Skirt: Balancing High Fashion with Comfort and Ease of Use 裙撐:撐起美麗的一片天(第50頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Hoop Skirt: Balancing High Fashion with Comfort and Ease of Use 裙撐:撐起美麗的一片天(第52頁)
- 慣用語(第56頁)
- The Ball Is in Someone’s Court 該某人行動了(第56頁)
- Come to Light 曝光/ 被揭露/ 為人所知(第57頁)
- 混合題型 The Road to F1 從 F 4 到 F 1 賽場角逐多激昂(第58頁)
- 文意選填 The Birdcage Dilemma 鳥籠陷阱要警惕 慾望束縛轉助力(第63頁)
- 混合題型 The Timeless Legacy of Marseille Soap 神奇馬賽皂 天然ㄟ尚好(第67頁)
- 混合題型 The Timeless Legacy of Marseille Soap 神奇馬賽皂 天然ㄟ尚好(第69頁)
- 篇章結構 Turn “You” into “I” and Watch Your Relationships Thrive 善用「我」訊息 溝通不窒息(第73頁)
- 解析文法(第77頁)
- 實力測驗(第79頁)
- 背誦卡(第81頁)