常春藤解析英語雜誌 [第435期] [有聲書]:Prague’s Astronomical Clock Is Out of This World 俯瞰布拉格廣場 : 歷史悠久的天文鐘
- 作者: 常春藤解析英語雜誌社編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語雜誌社
- 出版年:2024.10
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:96
October 2024
This month’s issue of Analytical English has many exciting articles that are worth checking out.“Hear through Your Eyes: TranscribeGlass” looks at a groundbreaking new device that can help those with hearing issues. If you are interested in learning about sea creatures, then check out “The Unicorns of the Sea.” The article provides loads of information related to narwhals. “Prague’s Astronomical Clock Is Out of This World” is another excellent read. It describes all the fascinating details related to one of Prague’s most famous attractions. For those who enjoy cinema, “Anna May Wong: A Hollywood Legend” is an article well worth a read. It explores the numerous challenges faced by a groundbreaking actress. “Understanding Earthquake Early Warning Systems” provides some useful information regarding earthquakes and how people can prepare for them. So, whether it is travel, animals, history, or any other topic, the October issue of Analytical English has got you covered.
- 雜誌自學單元(第5頁)
- 焦點新聞 CrowdStrike Update Causes Major Disruptions 網路安全公司 C rowdStrike 更新 引發全球大當機(第5頁)
- 實力測驗(第83頁)
- 背誦卡(第85頁)
- 克漏字(第6頁)
- 新聞集錦(第10頁)
- 1. 藍綠屋頂:城市裡的大海綿!(第10頁)
- 2. 動保新篇章:哥倫比亞立法禁鬥牛(第11頁)
- 詞彙測驗(第13頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Unicorns of the Sea 獨角鯨的探海神針:螺旋牙(第17頁)
- 文意選填 Prague’s Astronomical Clock Is Out of This World 俯瞰布拉格廣場:歷史悠久的天文鐘(第21頁)
- 歷史迴廊 Anna May Wong: A Hollywood Legend 首位被鑄在美國硬幣上的亞裔人:黃柳霜(第25頁)
- 新聞英語 Colorado Becomes First State to Pass Brainwave Privacy Law 美國科州簽署法案 保護腦波隱私(第28頁)
- 閱讀測驗 Understanding Earthquake Early Warning Systems 地震來了怎知道?手機「劇透」報你知(第31頁)
- 解析文法 動詞 - 2(第35頁)
- 篇章結構 Contra-Freeloading: The Work-for-Food Phenomenon in Nature 原來動物都不愛白吃的午餐!呃……喵星人除外(第37頁)
- 閱讀測驗 Eclipsing the Ordinary: A Moment under the Moon’s Shadow 日隱月現 夜幕天降(第41頁)
- 閱讀測驗 Eclipsing the Ordinary: A Moment under the Moon’s Shadow 日隱月現 夜幕天降(第43頁)
- 主題寫作 Turning a Painful Setback into a Valuable Life Lesson 化悲傷為力量(第47頁)
- 混合題型 The Unseen Impact of Secondhand Clothing 二手衣買賣是環保行動還是綠色陷阱?(第51頁)
- 克漏字 Cinnamon and the Timeless Treat of the Cinnamon Roll 肉桂香甜蜜蜜 捲到幸福滿溢(第55頁)
- 圖片寫作 After Restaurant Sickness 食安警鐘響起,遠離毒害預備~起!(第59頁)
- 文意選填 Changhua: Explore the Culture and Natural Beauty of Central Taiwan 古今輝映 「彰」顯魅力(第62頁)
- 混合題型 Are These Organs Really Useless? 無用器官真的無用嗎?(第66頁)
- 混合題型 Are These Organs Really Useless? 無用器官真的無用嗎?(第68頁)
- 篇章結構 The Science and Psychology of the New Car Smell 新車為什麼好好聞?(第72頁)
- 翻譯(第76頁)
- 慣用語(第79頁)
- Cover a Lot of Ground 涉及的範圍很廣(第79頁)
- Bottom Out 跌到谷底(第80頁)
- 解析文法 動詞 - 3(第81頁)