Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants (Volume II) 香港原生植物圖鑑(第二冊):Rare and Endangered Plants 稀有及瀕危植物(Bilingual Edition 中英雙語)
- 點閱:8
- 作者: David T. W. Lau(劉大偉), Hiu-Yan Wong(王曉欣), Man-Ching Li(李敏貞)著
- 出版社:香港中文大學出版社
- 出版年:2024
- ISBN:9789882373198
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:380
無聲的草木 綻放最好的香港
「胡秀英植物標本館」四代植物學家 翻山越嶺、精剖細描
黃錦波 香港中文大學生命科學學院院長
With numerous well-drawn and precise botanical line drawings detailing plant morphological features, this second volume of botanical illustrated guide is not only a remarkable reference for botanical researchers, but also an interesting guide for plant lovers. Of particular interest are the microscopic scanning images of pollen and pollinarium of some species, providing a novel perspective to learn about and appreciate these rare and endangered plants of Hong Kong.
Curator of Hong Kong Herbarium
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
馬平 資深植物繪圖師、《嘉卉:百年中國植物科學畫》主編
Native plants, especially rare and endangered species, are an important and vital component of a region’s heritage. Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants (Volume II): Rare and Endangered Plants, provides a rich source of information on some of the most critical plants in Hong Kong. To know these plants so intimately will help to preserve them. This unique book is not only of valuable to the plant sciences, but is also a guide to the special kinds of plants that can grow in Hong Kong because of the way we care for the places where they thrive. I sincerely recommend this book to all researchers, teachers, students and the general public. It has much to offer to those who peruse its pages.
David E. Bouord
Senior Research Scientist, Harvard University Herbaria
& Editorial Committee Member of Flora of China
- 序言 David E. Boufford(第ix頁)
- Foreword by David E. Bouord(第x頁)
- 序言 馬平(第xii頁)
- Foreword by Ping Ma(第xiv頁)
- 前言 劉大偉(第xvi頁)
- Preface by David T. W. Lau(第xviii頁)
- 運用掃描電子顯微鏡記錄花粉和孢子 王曉欣、李敏貞(第xxi頁)
- Documentation of Pollen and Spores by Scanning Electron Microscopy by Hiu-Yan Wong & Man-Ching Li(第xxiii頁)
- 本圖鑑的編排 李敏貞、王曉欣 How is Book Is Organised by Man-Ching Li & Hiu-Yan Wong(第xxv頁)
- 二十種稀有及瀕危原生植物圖鑑 劉大偉、王曉欣、李敏貞 Botanical Illustrated Guide to 20 Rare and Endangered Hong Kong(第1頁)
- Abrodictyum obscurumvar. siamense (Christ) K. Iwats. 華南長筒蕨(第3頁)
- Asplenium nidus L. 巢蕨(第17頁)
- Aristolochia championii Merr. & Chun 長葉馬兜鈴(第33頁)
- Aristolochia westlandii Hemsl. 香港馬兜鈴(第49頁)
- Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochr. 竹葉蘭(第63頁)
- Cleisostoma simondii var. guangdongense Z. H. Tsi 廣東隔距蘭(第79頁)
- Coelogyne fimbriata Lindl. 流蘇貝母蘭(第93頁)
- Diploprora championii (Lindl. ex Benth.) Hook. f. 蛇舌蘭(第109頁)
- Eria scabrilinguis Lindl. 半柱毛蘭(第123頁)
- Habenaria leptoloba Benth. 細裂玉鳳花(第137頁)
- Liparis ferruginea Lindl. 鏽色羊耳蒜(第153頁)
- Zeuxine affinis (Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook. f. 纖細線柱蘭(第167頁)
- Mahonia oiwakensis Hayata 海島十大功勞(第181頁)
- Croton hancei Benth. 香港巴豆(第197頁)
- Lagerstroemia fordii Oliv. & Koehne 廣東紫薇(第213頁)
- Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce 豬籠草(第231頁)
- Impatiens hongkongensis Grey-Wilson 香港鳳仙(第259頁)
- Camellia hongkongensis Seem. 香港茶(第275頁)
- Camellia kissii Wall. 落瓣油茶(第295頁)
- Rhododendron moulmainense Hook. 羊角杜鵑(第311頁)
- 延伸閱讀 Further Reading(第325頁)
- 鳴謝 Acknowledgements(第327頁)
- 詞彙表 Glossary(第329頁)
- 團隊簡介 About the Editorial Team(第341頁)
- 植物繪圖顧問簡介 About the Botanical Illustration Consultant(第344頁)
紙本書 NT$ 1620