Sinology in Post-communist States:Views from the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Poland, and Russia
- 點閱:2
- 作者: SHIH, Chih-yu (ed.)著
- 出版社:中文大學出版社
- 出版年:2016
- ISBN:9789629966942
- EISBN:9789629966942 EPUB
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:310
Becoming a sinologist means deconstructing stereotypical notions of China’s rise in the twenty-first century. The sinologists in this volume actively think through and adapt to their particular historical contexts as they conduct their research. Positioned across various locations such as the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Poland, and Russia, these scholars use diverse approaches to map China’s modern evolution. Through the rediscovery of post-Communist sinology, the conclusions in this volume have major implications for the evolution of intellectual history and its analysis by emphasizing the importance of individualized agency to the practice of sinology.
- List of Contributors(第vii頁)
- Introduction An Anthropology of Knowledge in Post-Communist Sinology Chih-yu Shih(第xi頁)
- Part I. Doing Sinology fromPost-Communist Perspectives(第xxix頁)
- 1 Beyond Academia and Politics:Understanding China and Doing Sinology inCzechoslovakia after World War II Olga Lomová and Anna Zádrapová(第1頁)
- 2 Linguistic Choices for the Identity of“China” in the Discourse of CzechSinologists Melissa Shih-hui Lin(第27頁)
- 3 Surging between China and Russia:Legacies, Politics, and Turns of Sinology inContemporary Mongolia Enkhchimeg Baatarkhuyag and Chih-yu Shih(第41頁)
- 4 Sinology in Poland: Epistemological Debatesand Academic Practice Anna Rudakowska(第61頁)
- 5 The Lifting of the “Iron Veil” by RussianSinologists During the Soviet Period(1917–1991) Valentin C. Golovachev(第93頁)
- 6 Soviet Sinology: Two Conflicting Paradigmsof Chinese History Alexander Pisarev(第115頁)
- 7 Chinese Studies in Post-Soviet Russia: FromUneven Development to the Search forIntegrity Alexei D. Voskressenski(第133頁)
- Part II. Being Sinologists inPost-Communist Societies(第157頁)
- 8 Polish Sinology: Reflections on Individualized Trajectories Bogdan J. Góralczyk(第159頁)
- 9 “The Songs of Ancient China” : The Myth of“The Other” Appropriated by an Emerging Sinology Olga Lomová and Anna Zádrapová(第189頁)
- 10 Between Sinology and Socialism: TheCollective Memory of Czech Sinologists inthe 1950s Ter-Hsing Cheng(第213頁)
- 11 Tangut (Xi Xia) Studies in the Soviet Union:The Quinta Essentia of Russian OrientalStudies Sergey Dmitriev(第233頁)
- 12 Different Ways to Become a SovietSinologist: A Note on Personal Choices Marina Kuznetsova-Fetisova(第253頁)
- Conclusion: The Evolution of Sinology afterthe Communist Party-State Chih-yu Shih(第267頁)