常春藤解析英語雜誌 [第420期] [有聲書]:Meerkats? <<獅子王>>中丁滿的真實化身--狐獴
- 作者: 常春藤解析英語雜誌社編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語雜誌社
- 出版年:2023.07
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:92
July 2023
School might be out for summer, but that doesn’t mean learning has to end. The July issue of Analytical English has tons of fascinating articles. For anyone who has ever wondered why the sky is blue, “Blue Skies Explained” is the article for them. It explains the science behind the colors we see in the sky. For someone more interested in ancient mysteries, “The Rosetta Stone: A Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Scripts” will be a perfect read. It details the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a significant Egyptian artifact. “A Basic Guide to Cooking Oils” is a great article for anyone interested in picking up cooking this summer. It provides all the information you need to know about cooking oils. Another food-related article is “The Incredible Cleaning Power of Common Foods.” However, this one explains some food uses that are unrelated to eating. With these articles and so many others, why not make this a summer of learning with Analytical English ?
- 文意選填 And the Winner for Best Tree Goes to… 歐洲年度之樹~得獎的是……(第6頁)
- 科普園地 Blue Skies Explained 求解!為什麼藍天藍、夕陽紅?(第10頁)
- 新聞集錦(第13頁)
- 1. 現在月亮幾點鐘?登月任務需要月球標準時間!(第13頁)
- 2. 超鬧動作喜劇《媽的多重宇宙》橫掃奧斯卡七大獎項(第14頁)
- 詞彙測驗(第16頁)
- 閱讀測驗 How does Disney’s Timon Compare with Real Meerkats? 《獅子王》中丁滿的真實化身 ―― 狐獴(第20頁)
- 克漏字 A Performance for the Ages 要演奏 639 年的《越慢越好》(第24頁)
- 歷史迴廊 The Rosetta Stone: A Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Scripts 羅塞塔石碑:破譯古埃及文字的關鍵(第28頁)
- 新聞英語 The World’s Loneliest Whale Dies 世上最孤獨的鯨魚離世(第31頁)
- 主題寫作 Are Online Psychological Tests Accurate Measures of Personality? 心理測驗 該信?不該信?(第34頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Incredible Cleaning Power of Common Foods 腦洞大開!食物也可去汙?(第38頁)
- 克漏字 “Seeing” Conversations with Closed Captioning 隱藏字幕:聽障者看見的聲音(第42頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Rise of Subscription Services 你,訂閱了嗎?(第46頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Rise of Subscription Services 你,訂閱了嗎?(第48頁)
- 看圖寫作 Concert Etiquette 演唱會看不見:手機在我眼前遮住了簾(第52頁)
- 混合題型 A Basic Guide to Cooking Oils 飲食好夥伴 「油」你真好(第55頁)
- 篇章結構 Harnessing the Power of the Sun to Create Art 陽光入畫!用太陽之力燃燒出絕美藝術(第59頁)
- 翻譯(第63頁)
- 文意選填 The Ferris Wheel: From the Chicago World’s Fair to Dubai’s Skies 摩天輪百年不衰 轉出新高度(第66頁)
- 混合題型 Time to Type 按下課程播放鍵,了解鍵盤的演變(第70頁)
- 混合題型 Time to Type 按下課程播放鍵,了解鍵盤的演變(第72頁)
- 實力測驗(第75頁)
- 背誦卡(第77頁)
- 解析文法(第77頁)