常春藤解析英語雜誌 [第415期] [有聲書]:A Whole New World for Pets 寵物友善新世界
- 作者: 常春藤解析英語雜誌社編輯
- 出版社:常春藤解析英語雜誌社
- 出版年:2023.02
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 頁數:92
February 2023
February is usually a cold and rainy time of year, so why not explore some exotic locations
around the world with Analytical English ? For those interested in discovering an under-theradar travel destination, “The Gambia: A Hidden Travel Destination” is a mustread article. It details the amazing features of this hidden gem of a country. “A Surfers’ Paradise in South France” is the perfect article for thrill seekers. In it, you can learn about the town of Soorts-Hossegor as a surfing hub. If you are more interested in food than action while traveling,“More Than Just a Meal” is the perfect article. It describes a famous dish eaten in Indonesia. “Switzerland’s Zero Star Hotel” looks at a bizarre travel experience tourists can have in a Swiss village. In addition to these travel-related articles, this issue has stories about the science of popcorn, the history of the workweek, and the benefits of hot verses cold showers. You will surely learn a lot by reading the February issue of Analytical English.
- 電影介紹 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania 蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱(第5頁)
- 文意選填 Ouka the Flying Dog 飛天狗狗冒險去!(第6頁)
- 詞彙測驗(第10頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Gambia: A Hidden Travel Destination 來一趟甘比亞祕境旅行(第14頁)
- 克漏字 More Than Just a Meal 乘載印尼傳統的美食 ―― 薑黃飯(第18頁)
- 科普園地 The Science behind Popcorn 為什麼爆米花會「爆」呢?(第22頁)
- 新聞集錦(第26頁)
- 1. 瑞士零星級飯店 反思人類危機(第26頁)
- 2. 荷蘭身先士卒 禁登肉類廣告(第27頁)
- 圖片寫作 A Whole New World for Pets 寵物友善新世界(第29頁)
- 混合題型 Are Skunks Misunderstood? 臭鼬:我可不隨便臭臭(第32頁)
- 篇章結構 The Hedonic Treadmill: How Does It Affect Our Happiness? 享樂跑步機:找出屬於自己的幸福步調(第36頁)
- 歷史迴廊 Mail Delivery: From Pigeons to Planes 飛越吧!信件|航空信件首次投遞成功(第40頁)
- 新聞英語 Bill Gates’ Funded Program Working to Build Smart Toilets 比爾蓋茲資助計畫:智能馬桶化悲「糞」為力量(第43頁)
- 圖表寫作 Buying a New Smartphone 買一支新手機!(第46頁)
- 閱讀測驗 The Hot and Cold Shower Battle 冷水澡、熱水澡,你選哪一個?(第49頁)
- 克漏字 A Surfers’ Paradise in South France 衝浪者天堂 ── 奧斯戈爾(第53頁)
- 翻譯(第57頁)
- 文意選填 How Much Internet Is Too Much Internet? 網路斷線好焦慮?現代人的新癮頭是上網(第60頁)
- 閱讀測驗 How Many Days Are There in a Workweek? 是誰說一週一定得工作五天?(第64頁)
- 閱讀測驗 How Many Days Are There in a Workweek? 是誰說一週一定得工作五天?(第66頁)
- 混合題型 How US School Buses Got Their Color 有一種黃叫美國校車的黃(第70頁)
- 解析文法(第74頁)
- 實力測驗(第76頁)
- 背誦卡(第81頁)
紙本書 NT$ 220