- About the Author
- Foreword 《守夜人》自序
- Foreword to the Second Edition 二版自序
- Foreword to the Third Edition 三版自序
- Stalactites 鐘乳石
- Hsilo Bridge 西螺大橋(1958)
- Music Percussive 敲打樂
- Seven Layers Beneath 七層下(1965)
- Smoke Hole Cavern 鐘乳巖(1965)
- When I Am Dead 當我死時(1966)
- Gray Pigeons 灰鴿子(1966)
- The Single Bed 單人床(1966)
- The Black Angel 黑天使(1966)
- There Was a Dead Bird 有一隻死鳥(1966)
- Music Percussive 敲打樂(1966)
- In Time of Cold War 在冷戰的年代
- To the Reader 致讀者(1966)
- All That Have Wings 凡有翅的(1966)
- The Double Bed 雙人床(1966)
- The Field Gun 野砲(1966)
- A Cat with Nine Lives 九命貓(1967)
- Self-Sculpture 自塑(1967)
- Green Bristlegrass 狗尾草(1967)
- If There’s a War Raging Afar 如果遠方有戰爭(1967)
- The White Curse 白災(1967)
- Sense of Security 安全感(1967)
- Often I Find 時常,我發現(1968)
- Chimney Smoke 炊煙(1968)
- A Coin 一枚銅幣(1968)
- The Death of a Swordsman 一武士之死(1968)
- The Death of an Old Poet 老詩人之死(1969)
- I Dreamed of a King 我夢見一個王(1969)
- The White Jade Bitter Gourd 白玉苦瓜
- Alone On the Road 江湖上(1970)
- A Folk Song 民歌(1971)
- The Begonia Tattoo 海棠紋身(1971)
- Passing Fangliao 車過枋寮(1972)
- Building Blocks 積木(1972)
- Nostalgia 鄉愁(1972)
- The Telephone Booth 電話亭(1972)
- The Call 呼喚(1972)
- The Night Watchman 守夜人(1973)
- Beethoven 貝多芬(1974)
- The White Jade Bitter Gourd 白玉苦瓜(1974)
- Tug of War with Eternity 與永恆拔河
- The Kite 放風箏(1974)
- The Pole-Vaulter 撐竿跳選手(1976)
- The Power Failure 大停電(1977)
- When Night Falls 蒼茫來時(1977)
- Listening to a Bottle 聽瓶記(1977)
- Tug of War with Eternity 與永恆拔河(1978)
- The Crystal Prison 水晶牢(1978)
- Kannon Bodhisattva across the Sea 隔水觀音
- A Tale on the Hill 山中傳奇(1979)
- Teasing Li Po 戲李白(1980)
- Mosquito Net 紗帳(1980)
- Autumn Equinox 秋分(1980)
- The Umbrellas 雨傘(1981)
- To Painter Shiy De Jinn 寄給畫家(1981)
- The Bauhinia 紫荊賦
- Evening 黃昏(1982)
- Summer Thoughts of a Mountaineer 山中暑意七品(1982)
- Tick Tick Tock 踢踢踏(1982)
- The Spider Webs 蛛網(1984)
- Dream and Geography 夢與地理
- Once upon a Candle 問燭(1985)
- The Pearl Necklace 珍珠項鍊(1986)
- The Swimmer 泳者(1986)
- What Is the Rain Saying through the Night? 雨聲說些什麼(1986)
- Scenes of Kengting National Park 墾丁十一首(1986)
- Dream and Bladder 夢與膀胱(1987)
- The Gecko 壁虎(1987)
- The Sunflowers 向日葵(1988)
- The Pomegranates 安石榴
- The Diver 跳水者(1988)
- Mother, I’m Hungry 媽媽,我餓了(1989)
- In Praise of Hong Kong 讚香港(1989)
- The Langlois Bridge 荷蘭吊橋(1990)
- By the Darkening Window 在漸暗的窗口(1990)
- By All Five Elements 五行無阻
- Holding My Grandson 抱孫(1993)
- On Such a Windy Night 在多風的夜晚(1994)
- No Lullaby 非安眠曲(1994)
- A Hight Window Overlooking the Sea 高樓對海
- All Throughout This My Life 今生今世(1995)
- Happy Was the World 矛盾世界(1995)
- The Flying Sunflower 飛行的向日葵(1997)
- On My Seventieth Birthday 七十自喻(1998)
- At the Twilight Hour 蒼茫時刻(1998)
- The God of Lotus Root 藕神
- In Memory of Chopin 永念蕭邦(1999)
- The Emerald White Cabbage 翠玉白菜(2004)
- Aunt Ice, Aunt Snow 冰姑,雪姨(2007)
- Cirrus over Cape Cod 鱈岬上空的卷雲(2008)
- At the Dentist̓s 牙關(2008)
- Arco Iris 虹(2008)
- Tug of War with the River 水草拔河(2008)
- Great Is a Mother’s Love 大哉母愛(2008)
- The Sun Calling His Children 太陽點名
- A Visitor from Mongolia 客從蒙古來(2011)
- Uncollected Poems 尚未結集
- To Chris on His Going West from Denver 送樓克禮自丹佛西行(1971)
- Midway 半途(2014)
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