  • Why do we dream?
  • 點閱:1000
  • 作者: by Fire Ball Crew
  • 出版社:Ace Mind Publishing Pte. Ltd.
  • 出版年:2017
  • 集叢名:Happy dragon 100,000 whys series.:18
  • ISBN:9789811125720
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 頁數:132
租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2025-02-23


Why do we dream?
Why are ducks not afraid of the cold?
Why is garlie good for our health?
Happy Dragon 100,000 Whys” is a collection of questions and answers in everyday life.Happy Dragon, Boy, Girl, Bob, Papa and Mama are the characters that are involved in the mysteries related to Science. Each mystery is presented in funny and interesting comic illustrations. Each mystery is unravelled in simple language that is comprehensible and related to the scientific fact in question.

If you wish to know every answer to the 100,000 ‘whys’ and become a little genius, get a copy of “Happy Dragon 100,000 Whys”.

  • Characters(第4頁)
  • Systems Why do we dream?(第7頁)
    • Science Facts Sweet Dreams!(第15頁)
    • Game Zone The One in Your Dream(第17頁)
  • Diversity Why are ducks not afraid of the cold?(第19頁)
    • Science Facts I’m not Afraid of the Cold too!(第27頁)
    • Game Zone Little Duck’s House(第29頁)
  • Systems Why is garlic good for our health?(第31頁)
    • Science Facts The Benefits of Garlic(第39頁)
    • Game Zone Healthy Vegetables(第41頁)
  • Interactions Why are there so few plants at the seashore?(第43頁)
    • Science Facts The Tenacious Mangrove Swamp(第51頁)
    • Game Zone Seaside ‘Citizens’(第53頁)
  • Interactions Why do swallows build their nests under the eaves of a house?(第55頁)
    • Science Facts Swallows All Lined-Up(第63頁)
    • Game Zone My Home(第65頁)
  • Energy Why are fire extinguishers able to put out fires?(第67頁)
    • Science Facts Fire Alert!(第75頁)
    • Game Zone How to Use the Fire Extinguisher(第77頁)
  • Interactions Why do dragonflies tap the water surface?(第79頁)
    • Science Facts The Mosquito Catcher(第87頁)
    • Game Zone Where are the Dragonflies Hiding?(第89頁)
  • Energy Why do leaves have different shades of green on both sides?(第91頁)
    • Science Facts The Leaves have Changed Colour!(第99頁)
    • Game Zone Find Their Stems(第101頁)
  • Energy Why is it possible to keep canned food for a long time?(第103頁)
    • Science Facts The Trick to Preserving Food!(第111頁)
    • Game Zone Oh no! I Messed up(第113頁)
  • Diversity Why doesn’t an elephant choke when it draws in water with its trunks?(第115頁)
    • Science Facts The Elephant’s Long Trunk(第123頁)
    • Game Zone The Firefighter(第125頁)
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NT$ 84

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