Matters Of The Mind-And The Heart:Meeting The Challenges Of Alzheimer's Care
- 作者: Beverly L. Moore, RN, CS[原作]
- 出版社:Strategic Book Group
- 出版年:2009
- ISBN:9781608606962; 9781608604760
- 格式:PDF
Stories of real people navigating the dementia journey as told by their Alzheimer coach.
- Foreword(第vii頁)
- Acknowledgments(第xi頁)
- Still in There(第xiii頁)
- Introduction(第1頁)
- Step 1: Learn How the Brain Works(第9頁)
- Step 2: Learn What Dementia Is and How the BrainChanges(第13頁)
- Step 3: Learn about Behavior and Its Meaning(第25頁)
- Step 4: Learn Ways to Accommodate a Person withMemory Loss(第31頁)
- Step 5: Learn How Alzheimer’s Affects Family Life(第45頁)
- Challenge 1: Memory and Orientation(第59頁)
- Challenge 2: Attention and Concentration(第75頁)
- Challenge 3: Mood Regulation(第81頁)
- Challenge 4: Language(第89頁)
- Challenge 5: Activity(第95頁)
- Challenge 6: Safety(第117頁)
- Challenge 7: Care Partner Stress(第129頁)
- Challenge 8: Sexuality(第143頁)
- Challenge 9: Preserving Self-Esteem(第155頁)
- Challenge 10: Moving On(第165頁)
- Postscript(第181頁)
- Some “Cheat Sheets” to Help You on Your Way(第183頁)
- Other Resources to Help You(第193頁)
- Fine Books I’ve Enjoyed Learning From(第195頁)
紙本書 NT$ 300